the misogyny in the films (which from what i understand gets worse) is jarring though, can't really excuse that and that's definitely an artifact of the 90s lol


I think this is a good summary that I mostly agree with. I don't know think there's been a particular snp collapse, instead it's an artifact born of the tory mismanagement. People wanted something different & desperately voted for it, that's also why Labour is so thin.


The above image was taken with the Mayall 4-meter telescope at Kitt Peak National Observatory in Arizona, USA. The large circular artifact below the image center is not real. The nebula, also known as IC 5070, spans about 30 light years and lies about 1800 light years away toward the constellation


I don't know if this is even necessarily the right term for it, but cognito-hazard tf is a really fun concept Like slowly being transformed because u can't stop thinking about a cursed artifact you found, or because u got a little too turned on just looking at a previous tf victim stuff like that


here's a list of every dreadlord that may or may not be alive rn, they would all appear in my expansion & be actual raid bosses w/ impactful mechanics & dialogue a la Kargath Bladefist in Highmaul except better, it'd be like Dark Souls level storytelling through subtext & epic telegraphing quotes

the dreadlord antagonists of my d&d campaign/hypothetical WoW expansion There Will Be Dread

1: Ulthalesh, the First Dreadlord (last rebellious demon of Mardum to be bound by Sargeras within felsteel scythe later known as the affliction lock artifact weapon The Deadwind Harvester)
2: Anetheron (Archimonde's butt buddy from Hyjal/Hellfire Citadel)
3: Detheroc (the fat one from the Scourge/Lich King experiment; can you believe he's the only one left alive of those three? talk about a N'Zoth situation lmao)
4: Sathrovarr the Corruptor (best known for making us beat up Kalecgos before he was Aspect of the Blues)
5: Lord Hel'nurath (keeper of Xorothian dreadsteeds, obviously very important to Ulthalesh's plans)
6: Lord Banehollow (Hel'nurath's most ardent rival, best known for being quest boss that gets you a cosmetic Fel Soulstone glyph in Darkmoon Faire/Blasted Lands)
7: Razelikh the Defiler (AKA Rakh'likh, currently bound inside body of demon hunter Loramus Thalipedes whom is in turn bound aboard Illidari flagship The Fel Hammer)
8: Kathra'natir (best known for being one of few characters to survive Med'an retcons, currently bound within Nightborne Soulstone atop Dalaran's Violet Citadel where he doubles as power source, like that'll go well lmao)

Well obviously this food recall is a Trump artifact, but… can’t the Biden admin try to reverse this deregulation? Or is is a tough gauntlet through Mike Collins & the GOP to fix it, which, right now, those shitlords would stall? *sigh* Vote for the party of non-listeria?


Yeah, I feel like the boots was perhaps an artifact of the time when it was written, i.e. before all purchases were expected to be disposable.


Day 13: Artifact A god’s eye can lead to many benefits


9/10 In conclusion, Sherlock Holmes Baffled is not just a historical artifact; it’s a lens through which we can explore the evolution of film. Its legacy lives on in how we create and consume stories today.


I've been on an artifact commander deck kick, and I think these two will become my long-time favorites (Saheeli more so honestly, her deck is fun as hell)