Oh and I will also add that someone previously set up a feed. The tag is #AspecAuthors. I've not seen many people use it recently, but it's worth keeping alive.


For Angel's Mass, I went back to my undergraduate dissertation mostly. As most of the details were already there in the original story, I didn't need to do much more research, but I used Google Scholar for everything else. #LGBTQWriteAThon#QueerWriters#WritingCommunity#AspecAuthors


Horace is friendly to a fault and I love em for it 😂 THE SEA SPIRIT FESTIVAL marks the start of several novellas (3 I think) where e offers greetings and casual chats to people/things e DEFINITELY shouldn't lmao (book info below!) 🌈📚 #AspecAuthors

the Uno Take 25 meme, written "Don't wave friendly helloes or chat at enemies and monsters" or take 25. Horace took 25.

I did get a few words in, but mostly yesterday I wound up writing some thoughts about aspec representation, and me, and my books and others'. There are no lessons there, just thoughts! (1/2) 📚🌈 #AspecAuthors


You know what, fuck it, there's 5 days left in Pride and I want my #AspecAuthors to join me in sharing something about their writing that brings them pride and joy. Rae and Farene in particular are very precious to me. Because I so desperately need more strong friendships that endure past a crush.

Raelyn nodded, just so Farene knew she’d listened, falling silent in the wake of her friend’s words. After a moment, though, she sighed. “You know, I was hopelessly infatuated with you back then.”

“Oh, did you think that was a secret? Because if so I’m afraid it was horribly kept.”

Rae snorted, feeling the satisfied grin in Farene’s voice even as she averted her eyes. “I hoped more than thought. I figured you knew, though. Felt like there was this small part of you that was always laughing on the inside.”

“I can’t deny that I was, but... Not at you. Never at you. It was endearing. It was flattering, I won’t lie, but I was entering my teenage years, and you were very much still a child.”

“Not for long,” Raelyn mumbled. “I appreciate that you never said anything. That was the part that scared me. That you’d say something. Truly laugh at me. And then I wouldn’t be able to go on pretending I wasn’t being a complete fool beyond my control.”
“I did offer you your first kiss, didn’t I?” Farene added, when Rae still couldn’t bring herself to meet her eyes. “If anyone should be feeling dejected, suppose it should be me.”

Raelyn shook her head, dismissing the notion, but finally forced herself to find the elf’s green eyes in the dark. “I thought about that often, you know? I knew it was too soon and I didn’t want it to be something I forced myself to do, but at the same time... I thought I might never see you again. I don’t... I never regretted saying no, I just always felt slighted that there wouldn’t be a right time.”

Farene hummed and gently rested her chin upon Rae's shoulder. “Well, you always had somewhere else you needed to go. And if you hadn't, then you wouldn't have needed to come to us in the first place.”

There was another beat of silence between them, only barely touched upon by the soft woosh of leaves swaying in the wind.
“If I said yes, would you have?” Raelyn asked.

Farene snickered. “Of course, sunshine. I would have been honored.” She gave Rae a gentle shove as she added, “then or now.”

Raelyn chuckled, but it quickly faded into a thoughtful silence as she turned to watch her friend's expression. Farene was always one to jest, but she was never one to say things she didn't mean. Rae knew this was her way of saying that there was still a small crack on that seemingly closed door. And where perhaps a few years ago her first immediate response would have been a yes, things were undeniably, irrevocably different now. She knew it, and she knew Farene could see it in her eyes clear as day.

“...but I see that part of you is not for me. Not anymore,” she whispered. “And that's okay, sunshine. Because we'll always have each other in every way we need to. In every way that counts. Won't we?”

Me adding even more gay shit to my stories before Pride Month ends #author#bvm#writingcommunity#aspecauthors#PrideMonth

Picture of a hand putting down colorful stickers on a piece of paper where a rainbow was drawn

The Wounds of Wisdom is coming up on its first book birthday and I'm going to be giving away TWO signed paperbacks between here and Tik Tok. If you're interested in an indie YA fantasy with court intrigue, reply and I'll select the winners on Tuesday, May 7 (the Woundsaversary!) 🌈📚 #AspecAuthors


No short story has had this much editing. Not to make sure it's perfect, but to make sure that what I perceive as Claire flirting with Nikki is actually demonstrable on page. I'm far too asexual to understand flirting 😂 #AspecAuthors