\\I love the idea that Jupiter was a doting dad with Metis and Adrastea since Metis would be his first moon that was an asteroid and then Adrastea came after both being asteroids and closer to the big guy he would be careful and trying not to crush or scare and while trying to bond with them.


You know, it's funny: Space scientists can see almost back to the Big Bang, tell us what's going on inside distant planets and stars, track asteroids, calculate to a nicety the composition of distant galaxies... Yet want to convince you that no one, ever, has had sex in space. Right...

a woman in a green dress is walking down a set of stairs .
a woman in a green dress is walking down a set of stairs .

ALT: a woman in a green dress is walking down a set of stairs .


Optimistic answer: Yes! It's a viable stretch goal after we've built out permanent infrastructure to make getting in and out of earth and lunar orbit routine and probably relocated a couple of asteroids into our Lagrange points. Reasonable timetables are in the thousands of years.


I think the most feasible type of space exploration (and I still mean - in like 200-300 years) is to star mining asteroids, and maybe built permanent scientific bases on Mars/Moon/one of Jupiter Moon’s


Periodically we catch big ass asteroids and meteors and shit just like a few hundred thousand kms from the planet and some of them are near misses, but sure, sure, our little lenses can see -everything- out there


Not just human progress! If Elon musk isn't allowed to polite as he please while abusing his workers, ALL LIVE ON EARTH WILL BE FORFEIT! Because agreement we can't possibly observe incoming asteroids, or nudge them into a non-destroying course.


I enjoy 1/4 cup of asteroids in my oatmeal to add a bit of crunch.


Paraphrasing Musk: my dream is the modern equivalent of the asteroids that killed dinosaurs and you must vote for orange because he'll do what I say


You know what planet gets hit with more asteroids than earth? And doesn’t have an atmosphere to stop or slow them down? Mars. Let’s all go there and get pummeled while we’re irradiated. You can’t take anything this man says seriously. He’s embarrassing.