Joo, eikä kohteen löytäminen ilman GoToakaan ole vaikeaa😁 ISO:sta muuten. Kennon herkkyyshän on "fiksattu" toisin kuin filmin. Isompi ISO ei automaattisesti tarkoita enemmän kerättyjä fotoneita vaikka kuvaa kirkastaakin. Täällä aika hyvä juttu:

ISO and Astrophotography | The Best Settings for a Clean Shot
ISO and Astrophotography | The Best Settings for a Clean Shot

Get a better understanding of how your ISO setting will effect your astrophotography. Best practices, examples, and common misconceptions.


What's going on with Cassiopeia A? How did this star tear itself apart? What does it tell us about how the elements for life in the universe came to be? Learn more about this dynamic dead star, the target for this season of NASA's 🔭 🧪


What's going on with Cassiopeia A? How did this star tear itself apart? What does it tell us about how the elements for life in the universe came to be? Learn more about this dynamic dead star, the target for this season of NASA's 🔭 🧪

Text at the top of this graphic reads: NASA’s Astrophoto Challenge. At the bottom, text reads: Cassiopeia A – Summer 2024. At the center is an image of Cassiopeia A, a large circular-shaped cloud of gas and
dust with complex structure. It appears in a mix of blues, light purples, white, and orange hues. Around and within the nebula, there are various stars seen as points of orange light.

The summer 2024 NASA's Astrophoto Challenge is now open! This summer's target: Cassiopeia A. Make your own images with real NASA data using a simple, online tool. Please go make some weird space pictures. 🔭🧪🎢

NASA's Astrophoto Challenge. Cassiopeia A — Summer 2024.
The background features an image of Cassiopeia A, a circular-shaped cloud of gas and dust with complex structure in shades of blue and pink.

NASA's Winter 2024 Astrophoto challenge, featuring the Crab Nebula, is now on. Make your own images with real NASA data using a simple, online tool. Then, submit your image. Standout entries are featured on the website and get comments from expert judges. 🔭🎢

Text overlaid on a space telescope image showing a wispy purple cloud-like structure with concentric rings and a beam jetting out from a bright spot in the middle. Text reads “NASA’s Astrophoto Challenge: Crab Nebula – Winter 2024