I'm a secular Jewish man with a bachelor's education. Equality / Inequality and equal opportunities is my top issue. I support a strong leader who doesn't consider the Knesset or elections, and I strongly support civil marriage. I voted for Yesh Atid in 2022.


I'm a secular Ashkenazi Jewish woman with a bachelor's education. Societal polarisation and ethnic tensions is my top issue. I support free market economics, and I agree with protecting freedom of speech for those criticising the state. I voted for Yesh Atid in 2022.


I'm a secular Ashkenazi Jewish man with a secondary education. Cost of living and price control is my top issue. I oppose public life conducted according to Jewish tradition, and I support a Palestinian state. I voted for Yesh Atid in 2022.


I'm a secular Ashkenazi Jewish woman with a bachelor's education. Cost of living and price control is my top issue. I strongly support a strong leader who doesn't consider the Knesset or elections, and I oppose a Palestinian state. I voted for Yesh Atid in 2022.


I'm a secular Ashkenazi Jewish woman with a postgraduate education, aged 46. Separation of religion and state is my top issue. I strongly support a Palestinian state, and I strongly support civil marriage. I voted for Yesh Atid in 2022.


🟦 Governam com Netanyahu - Likud - Shas - Sionismo Religioso - J.U.T. (Yahadut HaTorah) - Otzma Yehudit - New Hope 🟩 Oposição ao governo - Unidade Nacional (direita) - Yesh Atid (centro-liberal) - Yisrael Beitenu (direita) - Lista Árabe Unida - Hadash-Ta'Al (socialista) - Trabalhistas (social-dem.)


🇮🇱 Netanyahu com os dias contados? Se umas das últimas pesquisas de intenção de voto se concretizarem, pode ser o fim do governo nacionalista de Netanyahu em Israel. Os atuais opositores, liderados pelo Yesh Atid, somariam 71 cadeiras enquanto os nacionalistas liderados pelo Likud cairiam para 49.

Gráfico de pesquisa eleitoral legislativa de Israel comparando 2022 e 2024, mostrando a distribuição de cadeiras no parlamento em forma de hemiciclo. Cada círculo colorido representa um partido. Em destaque, a linha de "maioria". Partidos e mudanças: Unidade Nacional (Azul e Branco): 8 cadeiras (2022), 21 (2024) (+13); Yesh Atid: 24, 15 (-9); Yisrael Beitenu: 6, 14 (+8); Lista Árabe Uida: 5, 5 (0); Hadash-Ta’Al: 5, 5 (0); Trabalhista: 4, 11 (+7); Outros: 1, 0 (-1); New Hope: 4, 0 (-4); Otzma Yehudit: 6, 6 (0); Judaísmo Unido da Torá: 7, 6 (-1); Partido Religioso Sionista: 11, 10 (-1); Shas: 11, 11 (0); Likud: 32, 25 (-7).

Benny Gantz e Lapid (oposição) desidrataram e n governariam mais Israel. Partido de Gantz é o Unidade Nacional; o de Lapid é o Yesh Atid. A extrema-direita messiânica, nazifascista e teocrática possuiria 28 assentos se as eleições fossem hoje. Na prática, é quem cada vez mais governa o país. [+]


I'm a not-so-religious Mizrachi Jewish woman with a postgraduate education, aged 30. Housing and real estate is my top issue. I strongly oppose a Palestinian state, and I agree with equal rights for all citizens. I voted for Yesh Atid in 2022.


I'm a secular Mizrachi Jewish woman with a postgraduate education, aged 50. Housing and real estate is my top issue. I strongly support a Palestinian state, and I strongly oppose a strong leader who doesn't consider the Knesset or elections. I voted for Yesh Atid in 2022.