In other news a $50 dish sponge designed by a blonde woman whose "experience in manufacturing has been perfected" with environmentalism "inspired in Hawaii" and who uses Black English (?) only to refer to a toilet has ~700 backers right off the bat. Sometimes I get emails and can't look away.


I get so annoyed when people ask me if I’m evacuating and get all judgy when I don’t. Like no, I live in the smack dab middle of the state. The effects aren’t as bad here and the only place I can go is four hours away and is still recovering from Helene!


october 11? is this friday? that’s only four days away


Mike Luckovich on the habitual scammer.

Mike Luckovich cartoon:
Trump stands at the door of Mar-a-Lago holding a bowl of Halloween candy. Beside him a sign reads BIBLES! WATCHES! TRADING CARDS! GOLD SNEAKERS! A small red-headed girl in a witch costume faces away from the doorway, commenting to a boy dressed in a cowboy outfit: "He's charging for the candy..."

I don't think I understand how to use this meme.

Justice Deters was elected statewide as Ohio Treasurer for two terms, in 1998 and 2002. As treasurer, he was responsible for collecting, managing, and investing more than $11 billion in assets for the state.
The goose is like "how'd that second term end?" and then a guy running away in a puffy coat is labeled "Matt Borges" and the goose is all like "What are you doing out of prison, get back here!"

Character study of Marta being a menace on the southside of Yellowstone Park streaking away from some Park rangers and confused RV'ers.

Marta, a cryptid, a goat person, a satyr or fawn if we're being generous.

She's pulling a Roadrunner on the Park Rangers who voice their anger at her nibbling on the tires of various RVs and their confusion at her off-road vehicle-esque speed and seeming immunity to bison tranquilizers.
Unblurred Marta in her nude cryptid glory.

October 11? Is this Friday!! That's only four days away...


George W Bush and Liz Cheney’s husband got away with Iraq war lies, torture, and worse. Trump conservatism of selling out US security and global influence to Putin crossed their corrupt selfish line, but not this SCOTUS ethics. Do you dispute the truth of Whilhoit’s law?


Hoping it goes away quickly for you 🤞🤞✨


The messaging from arbiters of power in our backwards society is, "Do you want control over your own body, or to read whatever you want? Better toe the line and look away when we rake in billions of dollars off of a genocide, pollute your water to frack for natural gas or shrug off climate change."