What's surprised me the most in my recent travels is the popularity of Trileche, the Balkan version of the Latin American "tres leches". How it became so popular in the Balkans (no, it wasn't reverse-engineered) is explained here...

Trileche, the not-so-traditional Balkan dish
Trileche, the not-so-traditional Balkan dish

How thanks to the Albanians, a Latin American cake conquered the Balkans.


It took 40 minutes to get there from home — I promised Husband Unit I’d take him there. Since our Serbia trip we’re craving Balkan food. Fortunately it’s only 8 minutes from work!

a black and white photo of a robot with the words danger written below it
a black and white photo of a robot with the words danger written below it

Alt: The robot from the 1960s “Lost in Space,” spinning from side to side and shouting “DANGER!”


Balkan lunch at Aroma Café in Cheviot Hills! I’m about to become a regular here. Šopska salata (tomatoes cucumbers, onions, peppers). Krompir na žaru (grilled potatoes, served with kajmak). Pljeskavica (grilled spiced beef patty on lepinja, a Balkan flatbread that’s between pita and ciabatta).

Tomato, cucumber, onion, and pepper salad topped with white cheese.
Crispy grilled potatoes, not fried! So good!
A “Balkan burger” — meat patty on bread! Chopped onions on the side.
Husband Unit’s pljeskavica loaded up with ajvar, kajmak, lettuce, tomatoes, ajvar, and kajmak.

Also Gelee Bananen nur aus dem Balkan und bei Kümmel bin ich raus. Den Rest gerne 😅


Die reisestelle ist der endgegner. War im April dienstlich auf dem Balkan. Flug selbst gebucht. Direktflug 2:30 h, 430 €. Andere haben die Reisestelle buchen lassen. Nunja 7:30h über Istanbul.


@BalkanInsight: Goran Tomasevic – who was among the first journalists to document the grisly scene after mass killings at Kosovo’s Dubrava prison in 1999 – told BIRN that covering the war took a deep emotional toll. Subscribe to Balkan Insight Premium to read the story:


Auf dem Balkan bekommt man sogar Gesichtslähmung wenn man nach dem Haarewaschen Zug abbekommt also seid froh dass ihr nur Schnupfen kriegt vom deutschen Zug


Just a normal investment opportunity for a savvy businessperson with a dream (Non-competitive bid for state-owned lands, backed by Gulf State petrodollars, conditional on adhering to party line, to build a hotel facility aimed at luring other oligarchs)

Kushner relied on ties with Arab monarchs to raise the bulk of the money in his $3.1 billion private-equity fund from Middle Eastern countries, drawing criticism from members of both parties in Congress. His new company, Affinity Partners, is packed with former Trump administration officials.
Some are contenders for top government jobs if Trump wins this November.
In the Balkans, Kushner turned to the leaders of Albania and Serbia to develop real estate on public land without having to go through competitive auction, drawing fire from opposition politicians in both states. In Serbia, a provision that he build a memorial the government says would be "dedicated to all the victims of NATO aggression" — on a site the alliance bombed in 1999
—has proved particularly controversial with both Serbian nationalists and former U.S. officials, including Gen. Wesley Clark, NATO's military commander during the Balkan war.
Kushner's fundraising and foreign property deals are fanning fears that he and