Process of making a slightly creepy autumnal pendant and/or brooch 😙 

mosaic of pictures depicting in 6 images the process of making the pendant/brooch. The eye cabochon is glued to a felt backing and surrounded by bead embroidery rings in yellow irregular seedbeads. More seedbeads are used to make the edging after a yellow backing has been applied to the back. Then the yellow seedbeads are decorated with translucent glass leaf beads, small drop and flower beads and brow seed beads in a irregular pattern to simulate shrubbery. two short ropes of seedbeads are applied to the back to allow the pendant to be hung on a chain. a brooch also may be glued and sewn to the back so it can be used as a brooch.

A little autumnal slightly creepy pendant/brooch 🍂👁️🍃 Something hiding in the bushes 👀 

picture of a bead embroidered pendant or brooch, featuring an eye in yellow shades hiding behind a flurry of translucent glass leaves, berries and flowers in green and autumnal shades.

Rain was beading up on spider webs in my front yard yesterday.


I gave myself a window seat. It seemed joyful. And it is. Mostly. I have great light for beading, regularly see the rafter of wild turkeys, the happy dogs on sniffaris ... But hearing the covid coughs multiple times a day, every day. I implore y'all to protect your brains and wear a goddamn mask.


Rats would be big on implanting silicone or steel balls into their tails. Free anal beads! Also: two rats with modded tails beading each other. Huff ❤️👀


i do not demand that you look at these shelves but you might like to 🍄📷

big shelf with a black core then middle yellow ring and outer white ring
dull greygreen manylayered shelf
shelf with dark black core and white outer area with lots of water beading on it. there's another below it
ok these ones are not really shelves i think they are small white round fuzzy shrooms of some sort

Um. If I buy 0.5mm beading wire, what size crimp thingies do I need? 😭😭😭


Autumn comb next, time to bead it :)

A silver metal hair comb, with a wire frame attached to the top. The frame is silver wire, shaped and bent into outlines of pointy leaves. It's still bare but ready for beading.

Getting quietly addicted to making these #CircularPeyote#Beading#BeadWeaving