A spring feeling poem each day this week! All from IS, by Yaakov Moshe. #books#benyahudapress#jewishbooks#reading#Judaism#jewishpublishing#independantpublishing#newbooks#community#jewishcommunity#learning

Don’t worry
about whether to see
or to love.
Love is truth
as seen by the heart.

A spring feeling poem each day this week! All from IS, by Yaakov Moshe. #books#benyahudapress#jewishbooks#reading#Judaism#jewishpublishing#independantpublishing#newbooks#community#jewishcommunity#learning

Don’t worry about enlightenment. Try “liberation”

A spring feeling poem each day this week! All from IS, by Yaakov Moshe. #books#benyahudapress#jewishbooks#reading#Judaism#jewishpublishing#independantpublishing#newbooks#community#jewishcommunity#learning

Yoga for pessimists:
Relax, allow your gaze to rest, not on one particular
object, but just in one place, taking in wherever you are.
Feel your body. Then say, slowly:
Things haven’t turned out so bad, have they?

A spring feeling poem each day this week! All from IS, by Yaakov Moshe. #books#benyahudapress#jewishbooks#reading#Judaism#jewishpublishing#independantpublishing#newbooks#community#jewishcommunity#learning

On gathering with others

Holy One,
Voice that speaks through this tongue
Vision that sees through these eyes
Breath that breathes,
YHVH — You who are this moment,
May we see in these, our gathered friends,
Your light shining in each of us,
Your presence unfolding as each of us.
May we know one another
as You.
And may we greet them
with a loving kindness so vast
and unbounded
that it cannot be conceived or imagined:

A spring feeling poem each day this week! All from IS, by Yaakov Moshe. #books#benyahudapress#jewishbooks#reading#Judaism#jewishpublishing#independantpublishing#newbooks#community#jewishcommunity#learning

On watching the sunset

Holy one,
thank you for your presence in the sun
loving warmth radiance color zohar
thank you for this infinite lattice of Being
thank you for the drag you wear as God
the sublimations and projections
from you to Daddy to All
Brain heart mind,
thank you for dopamine and oxytocin
thank you for polymorphous perversity
ecstasy of colors in the sky
the capacity for awe
Shadow darkness night,
thank you too
for transmuting this embrace

A spring feeling poem each day this week! All from IS, by Yaakov Moshe. #books#benyahudapress#jewishbooks#reading#Judaism#jewishpublishing#independantpublishing#newbooks#community#jewishcommunity#learning

wherever i go there you are
if i have enough faith i can surrender into anything
for you i curl my toes forward in rapture
in you i breathe air
there is nothing i love
but you
in your forms
and there is nothing i love
but you

A spring feeling poem each day this week! All from IS, by Yaakov Moshe. #books#benyahudapress#jewishbooks#reading#Judaism#jewishpublishing#independantpublishing#newbooks#community#jewishcommunity#learning

There is a time for stained glass windows
to teach the light to children
and there is a time to open the windows

A poem for the eve of Purim. 'Esther' from 'The Shortest Skirt in Shul' by trans Rabbinical student Sass Orol! #books#benyahudapress#jewishbooks#reading#Judaism#jewishpublishing#independantpublishing#newbooks#community#jewishcommunity#learning

Chosen by the King of Persia
from every virgin in Shushan,
Esther, the hidden one
does not reveal her nation or her birth.
Does she sleight her Jewish behind her sex appeal?
Or maybe she tucks the frayed hem of her poverty
beneath her waistband as she approaches the palace?
How withered are the pink blind roots of wandering
she buries in the walled garden? How old the god
she rolls under loose soil to become royal?
Whatever she hides, she hides it twice. The first time
it’s her nation and then her birth, as if to make it
through round one of the virgin ball
she can be poor, she can be orphaned
but she had better be home grown.
After the crown is placed on her head
still oiled by the last queen’s scalp
maybe with a black hair wound
around the center sapphire, she hides again
now her birth before her people
proving that once you’ve worn a gold silk dress
and carried a ruby too large to swallow
it’s better to be caught blackhanded but shining
then let them see how easily you w