Wee Hours Jazz Lounge Billie Holiday - Fine and Mellow A 1957 lineup of who's who in the 1950s jazz world. And, they all play sweet in a perfect union with singer and band sharing the same vibe. Curls my toes

Fine And Mellow   Billie Holiday With Coleman Hawkins Lester Young Ben Webster Gerry Mulligan Vic Dickenson Roy Eldridge
Fine And Mellow Billie Holiday With Coleman Hawkins Lester Young Ben Webster Gerry Mulligan Vic Dickenson Roy Eldridge

YouTube video by wasserkuh101


Want good Jazz in your home ? 1965 - JATP - Clef Records / Norgran Records #LionelHampton#CountBasie#OscarPeterson#StanGetz#CharlieParker#BillieHoliday#jazz jazzsky

Want good Jazz in your home ?
1965 - JATP - Clef Records / Norgran Records