Yo my aunt & uncle were trying to invade my spot to do maintenance. I'm way too pissed & bioplar & depleted for that shit. I need to sit in my bed, read my Black Appalachian literature & my Islam & anarchism book & my novel by a Muslim Nigerian writer, eat tacos, & be stoned, not have visitors.


Coming to terms with rage as part of my bioplar took a while. But it's inherited from my dad who's the same way & it really is. I really am a wrathful, rageful manic depressive. I'm fighting everybody in the psych ward. And I go off on folks hard if triggered.


I hate when I still have bioplar disorder after I smoke weed so bad. It's like does this shit even work? This shit's supposed to get rid of my brain disease so we need to start talking about a refund.


I had bipolar schizoaffective and seem to have had permanent pos changes from it. I (mostly) stopped keto after a year and a half and the issues have not come flooding back like they did early on if I ate the wrong things and lost ketosis. My overall diet is different now tho. #bioplar […]


If more people knew that the state of mania delivers pleasure that is not accessible to humans at a comparable magnitude in any other way, less people would ask why folks don't seek help for bioplar.


Not liking life today with my bioplar magnifying my perception that life sucks to an uncomfortable level but objectively some chill things have happened today & could still.


I read it. It's great. Check out TOUCHED BY FIRE which is her book on the manic depressive temperament & creativity & art which I've read too, & her other highly praised memoir EXUBERANCE that I haven't read. You know but she's bioplar but also one of the preeminent experts in psychiatry on bipolar.


For my bioplar I need considerable down time. Going out in public pretending to be sane is something I have to actually recover from. I also need recovery from some mental states themselves after they pass. But my bipolar also requires productive activity in balance. Being busy helps symptoms too.


I was too bioplar to go out today. Firstly I had a mini accident spilling water on my laptop today & some keys were temporarily not working, & handling day job stress, trying to figure out how to feed myself which I barely did, making my zoom mental health support group, forgetting what day it was.


People who tell bioplar people not to smoke weed need to talk to the hand in my case because I've been a functional stoner in society with a bipolar diagnosis for years.