BookStack: Simple and Free Wiki Software Discussion


BookStack: Simple and Free Wiki Software


A new project takes shape, pro bono commitments handed along, part of my library relocated to the (home) office, and as I left the other day, I glanced at the bookstack, to see this - encouraging words from Monsieur Matisse and 15thC French poet Charles d'Orléans. Spooky? I like to think so :)


분명히 GD PHP를 설치했는데 #bookstack 에서 설치하지 않았다는 에러 메시지가 나옵니다. 明らかにGD PHPをインストールしたのに#bookstack でインストールしていないというエラーメッセージが出ます。


This gorgeous bookstack donated to the family private library building endeavor by

top to bottom: In Defense of Sanity, The Best Essays of GK Chesterton; The City of God by Augustine; Revelations of Divine Love by Julian of Norwich; The Everlasting Man by GK Chesterton; The Man Who Was Thursday by GK Chesterton; and Fortress Press' edition of Martin Luther's Basic Theological Writings

semana passada o HD do meu servidor interno aqui em casa morreu junto foi meu bookstack, com mais de 500mb de texto, códigos, anotações e estudos dos últimos 20 anos (há 3 anos eu migrei tudo do evernote pra cá) se tinha bkp? há 20 dias eu fiz uma rotina automatica de bkp no google drive <3semana passada o HD do meu servidor interno aqui em casa morreu junto foi meu bookstack, com mais de 500mb de texto, códigos, anotações e estudos dos últimos 20 anos (há 3 anos eu migrei tudo do evernote pra cá) se tinha bkp? há 20 dias eu fiz uma rotina automatica de bkp no google drive <3

a black and white photo of a little girl covering her face with her hands .
a black and white photo of a little girl covering her face with her hands .

Alt: a black and white photo of a little girl covering her face with her hands .