Eu espero muito q as Orgs importem principalmente Mid e junglers. Nossos suportes tb sao podres, entao tem q ter um balanço ai. E pf FAÇAM bootcamps, cansei de ser ruim, de ver nossos times sendo lentinhos e perdidos 😭


It's weird the way some men are trying to revive this ability to be close with machismo bootcamps filled with goofy torments to expunge weakness. Waking at 4 am to meet bros to do pushups in a parking lot and talk about all your successful financial dealing. Good lord. Being gay is such a relief.


6. DIO A DIO oferece diversos bootcamps e cursos gratuitos voltados para iniciantes e desenvolvedores intermediários, com foco em programação. Certificados são oferecidos após a conclusão dos cursos. Link:


A {reprograma} é uma inciativa incrível com cursos e bootcamps de alta qualidade e comprometimento da comunidade:


Focamos em ensinar programação para mulheres e adolescentes em situações de vulnerabilidade social. Clique e conheça nossa história!


when I was a teenager I got sentenced to one of those disciplinary youth bootcamps. they took the doors entirely off the stalls and you just had to shit with everyone walking around you (bathroom times were regimented and everyone went at once)


Apart from a few bootcamps and the Multiply scheme for adult maths, public spending via adult skills budget in 2024 much the same as it was in 2015 when the Immigration Skills Charge was announced. Mayors were given adult skills powers from 2019 onwards but over budgets fixed in cash terms


(I also don't believe the extreme popularity of the F150 in the US is *because so many people need it* – just to overdo that metaphor… Are we looking at all the factors for why frameworks are so common? How often is it because that's what bootcamps teach?)


Ah assim é melhor. Que aqueles do Udemy tentam ensinar tudo, mas no fim não ensinam nada. Parecem aqueles bootcamps.