Breathing is next up. Badenoch planning to tax it


Oh my. I just picked up an unconscious chickadee who was spooked by others and hit the wall. I held her in my palm, she was so smol. When her senses returned she jumped up and bolted to the highest point where she spent some more time. I hope she will recover 😭🪶

Little blue tit gathers her wits after a collision and me holding her in my hands while she was unconscious. I left the windows open for when she is ready to leave. I was so scared she would stop breathing.

Allergies and sinuses are kicking my butt. I haven't been able to breathe without wheezing for several days now. Lungs are full of junk. Coughing is bad. Then I closed my bedroom window last night. Woke up breathing clearer. Who would have thought keeping the allergens out would help so much?


Ok, hear me out: I envision a hummus so garlicky you fear for breathing through your nose when approaching each bite. Thoughts?


It's more like emergency items, currently just fire res and water breathing potions.


If you're breathing, you're a liar. —Ani Achola, 13 Reasons Why #RandomMovieTVQuotes


If you're breathing, you're a liar. —Ani Achola, 13 Reasons Why #RandomMovieTVQuotes


#100padlocks - Part 08 And thus, we have reached the point of no more visible skin. It's all covered up under layers of encasement and bondage now. ¬ᴗ¬ (Needless to say, don't try this at home.)

A white canvas bag with various buckles gets pulled over Alodo's cat-tail. The buckles attach themselves to the legbinder. All buckles get locked shut with padlocks.
Yous: "I think it's about time we do something about your tail. Sure, having it free wouldn't help you much, but I just can't help but feel like it'd be missing something otherwise..."
A white canvas bondage hood with a visor and an additional outer layer that can be shut via a zipper.
Yous: "To complete the look of your straitjacket-themed restraint suit, we'll use this special hood. This hood has two layers: The inner one has a visor and nose holes, while the outer one has neither. Your head will be stuck inside the inner layer at all times. The outer layer though, we can open and close as we please. ... or rather, as I please..."
The hood gets pulled over Alodo's head. The rubber bag containing his hair floats upwards into the hood as well.
Yous: "Your hair has been compressed a lot, so we can tuck it away inside the hood. Then we can safely zip up the hood around your head. Afterwards, we just need to close the buckle around your neck, and the hood will be properly stuck on you."

Front shot of the hood as the buckle around Alodo's neck locks shut, securing the hood in place. We can see his blindfold through the visor.
Yous: "... Hmmm... inconvenient. I suppose whoever designed this hood didn't expect you
to be blindfolded underneath.... Now the visor is just a small window through which to examine the inner layers of your multi-layered bondage..."
The zipper of the outer layer of the hood is zipped shut, and a padlock immediately locks it shut as well. Alodo complains loudly, as his face disappears completely inside the hood.
Yous: "Well, in that case, no reason not to zip it up and padlock it shut! Deep breaths now... your head is now completely encased in fabric. It's breathable, of course, but you may still find it a bit tricky to deal with. So, this is probably a good time to start focusing on your breathing. ... yet another constant reminder of your helpless situation..."

Back shot of the hood, as the back zipper is padlocked shut as well, fully encasing Alodo's head within the hood. Alodo is huffing and moaning softly.
Yous: "Finally, with the neck-buckle in place, we can close the zipper on the back and padlock it to the buckle to keep it shut for good. Now there is no way to take off this hood anymore..."

Was it really just a month ago that I was getting my Vegas on with Sally, Donny Osmond, and fire breathing dragons? 🎲 What happy memories. (Cant wait for our next adventure, Sallita!)


???????????????????????? he goes down in like four hits

a screenshot from the n64 game goemon's great adventure. a tiny robot fights a fire-breathing skeleton that is as tall as a mountain.