Just had to bribe my ski instructor with champagne to get that perfect parallel turn... and by 'bribe' I mean 'winked at him with my eyes' and 'accidentally' spilled champagne on his jacket

Just had to bribe my ski instructor with champagne to get that perfect parallel turn... and by 'bribe' I mean 'winked at him with my eyes' and 'accidentally' spilled champagne on his jacket

bribe them with your child. have her turn up the cuteness to get them to leave.


Trying to bribe the cat with a cat condo. Hoping she'll realize there's a bed on top. It's progress, at least.


bribe needed/expected


paying the bribe in the full price of the items I am stealing


He says this for the sole purpose of extracting a bribe from his allies, and everybody knows it


It sounds like Biden/Harris are trying to delay a major war with Iran until after the US pres election, but Israel isn't listening, as usual, and is using their lobbies leverage which pays US gov nicely. US is trying to bribe them in return. Iran is in position, could strike Israel preemptively. 🤔

Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei has conferred the Order of Fat'h (Conquest) on Brigadier General Amir-Ali Hajizadeh, the commander of the IRGC’s Aerospace Division.
Urgent & important meeting at Iran’s National Security & Foreign Policy Commission, at the parliament:
This meeting was joined by various military & governmental bodies, including the IRGC, the Ministry of Defense, ministry of intelligence, officials assessed the readiness of Iran’s defense forces.
 Deputy Coordinator of the IRGC, Mohammad Naqdi:
"Young people have been flocking to our offices, eager to be deployed to Lebanon, even though the commanders of the Resistance Front have not requested any forces."
The meeting assessed that all units are fully prepared for any threats, highlighting Iran's strong inter-agency cooperation. 
Ebrahim Rezaei, spokesperson assured that any threat against Iran will be met with a swift and decisive response, citing recent successful military operations and s

I wish I kept it but I read a quote somewhere in an article in the New Yorker or Foreign Affairs or something like that which suggested American politicians being ridiculously easy to bribe is a well-trod joke in the international community.


The US is trying to bribe Israel to keep them from striking Iran's oil facilities and disrupting the precious oil market.

Israel's Kann News: Against the background of vigilance in Tehran The US has offered Israel a
"compensation package" if it refrains from attacking certain targets in Iran Since the Iranian attack, American officials have been talking with Israeli officials regarding the expected Israeli response against Tehran. The American proposal: extensive diplomatic backing and additional military assistance

I'd been thinking offhandedly to myself "I wonder what horrible shit we'll try and bribe Israel with to try and avoid war with Iran." I guess the answer is a "compensation package" of "extensive" diplomatic backing and military assistance in exchange for not hitting "certain targets" in Iran.

ארה"ב הציעה לישראל "חבילת פיצוי" אם תימנע מלתקוף יעדים מסוימים באיראן
ארה"ב הציעה לישראל "חבילת פיצוי" אם תימנע מלתקוף יעדים מסוימים באיראן

מאז המתקפה האיראנית משוחחים גורמים אמריקנים עם גורמים ישראלים בנוגע לתגובה הישראלית הצפויה נגד טהראן. ההצעה האמריקנית: גיבוי דיפלומטי נרחב וסיוע צבאי נוסף