a fun little date piece I decided to put together for Pricefield and Brookate . . . hope y'all enjoy and have a stellar weekend! #SFM#LifeisStrange#MaxCaulfield#ChloePrice#KateMarsh#BrookeScott#Pricefield#Brookate

Max had been to this ramen place a couple of times, and was excited to bring Chloe here on their first official date here in Seattle, though things got even MORE interesting when they bumped into Brooke and Kate who were also apparently on their own little romantic outing. 
After some light prodding from Chloe, they decided to make this a double date, got a table, and proceeded to banter a bit about what they were going to order.  Chloe had her eye on a dish but Brooke warned her it might be a BIT to spicy for her.
"You saying I can't handle spicy? Chloe said with feigned offense.
"I'm saying you look like you couldn't handle a bottle of tobasco Price." Brooke said smugly.
"Oh it is ON Scott!" Chloe exclaimed.
They placed their orders and glared at each other until their noodles arrived, to which Chloe decided to dive in face first to prove a point . . . to which she failed as she tried to cool the inferno in her mouth. Max and Kate chuckled, which in turn cooled everyone down.

A fun idea that spawned out of a Discord conversation . . . hope y'all enjoy and have a hellamazing weekend! #SFM#LifeisStrange#MaxCaulfield#ChloePrice#KateMarsh#Brookescott#RachelAmber#Pricefield#Brookate

Not much in the way of story on this one, though Kate totally suggested the movie.  Also this was semi inspired by the works of an artist on Tumblr by the name of Nash (I say semi because the premise was a date and seeing Frozen in theaters) and you should totally check them out.

Been working on this and a few other things for a while now, hope y'all enjoy and have a fantastic weekend! #SFM#LifeisStrange#MaxCaulfield#ChloePrice#KateMarsh#BrookeScott#Pricefield#Brookate

After a somewhat grueling semester, Max and Co decide to to escape for a little weekend camping trip.

a (very) short snippet from my LiS fic's college era, been working on this and a few other projects hence my recent radio silence, I will strive to be more active in the coming months

A peak into the (semi revised) version of my headcanon fic thing . . . hope y'all enjoy and have a hellamazing weekend! #sfm#lifeisStrange#MaxCaulfield#ChloePrice#KateMarsh#BrookeScott#StephGingrich

Ok, so I was going to try and type out the full story here but it doesn't seem to fit here . . . so instead I'm going to link to my DA and Tumblr postings of this image that will contain the full story of this image . . . I'm sorry.

The final piece in my previous iteration of my head canon fanfic thingie, hope y'all have a stellar weekend! (it's not going away just reworking it) #sfm#lifeisstranfe#maxcaulfield#chloeprice#katemarsh#victoriachase#warrengraham#brookescott

Not much of a story to go with this one sadly . . .  the idea was Max and Co were attending a form of Japan cultural faire in Seattle and having a grand time (with Chloe winning Max a Hawt Dawg Man plushie which Kate finds absolutely adorable). As for Victoria's meek deminer here, this takes place shortly after she was kinda unofficial accepted into the friend group as they only just ran back into her for the first time since the night before the storm.  Kind of an end of an era this one, as it's both the final piece from my previous iteration of my headcanon fanfic AND last piece of Scottish Ham I'll be making for the foreseeable future (It's Scottish Marsh's time now).

decided to make something a cozy but with a twist . . . also any excuse to post Pricefield, Scottish Ham, and Kate Marsh being happy . . . hope y'all have a stellar weekend! =D #sfm#LifeisStrange#MaxCaulfield#ChloePrice#KateMarsh#WarrenGraham#BrookeScott

unwelcome one after the brief bit of bonding they did down in Portland . . . plus seeing some familiar friendly faces was a relief after an unpleasant run in prior.
They had decided to meet up at this diner Max knew of for burgers and shakes to catch up and "shoot the shit".  It was actually rather informative as it turns out Warren's folks had moved up here prior to him attending Blackwell and Brooke had an aunt who living here.
They spoke for what felt like hours, discussing their plans, telling stories, and cracking jokes having a wonderful time . . . blissfully unaware they were being watched by envious eyes . . .

A festive feel good piece for the day, hope y'all have a very fine holiday and a lovely evening! #SFM#LifeisStrange#MaxCaulfield#ChloePrice#KateMarsh#WarrenGraham#BrookeScott#StephGingrich#MerryChrismas#HappyHolidays

As the snow falls outside this cold Christmas Eve, the friends have gathered inside this cozy festive cabin for warmth and good cheer, and though circumstances keep them from returning to their homes and families this night they make the most of this time they have together . . .

(It's been a long while since I've made anything Christmas related, and never something with festive lights . . . think it turned out alright.  Also I don't think I ever explained why most of my images with Warren in them have him either leaning on someone or something or using a walking stick, basically the accident he was in during the storm had some long term effects, thus walking or carrying heavy things on his own for to long really begins to hurt.  This isn't permanent, but is something he'll be dealing with for the time being.)