ok sick now that i have things. semi organized wahoo have a NEW #haikaveh#camwips

Alhaitham observes Kaveh’s hands in a way that makes Kaveh wonder if this is a normal occurrence for him. Alhaitham’s gaze is intense, focused on the way Kaveh holds his pencils, his tools, even Mehrak and his claymore sword; and it makes for an interesting study. Is it just a quirk of Alhaitham’s that at any given moment his eyes must be focused on Kaveh’s hands or is there something else that catches Alhaitham’s notice when Kaveh’s hands are involved? 

Either way, Kaveh can feel Alhaitham’s gaze on his hands again as he plucks idly at the dutar he’s pulled into his lap.

↳ my wips/prompts responses #camwips


its wipriday (wip friday) or whatever have this #haikaveh#camwips

“I was handling it.”

Alhaitham does not look impressed at the statement. Kaveh feels his jaw clench at the impassive look Alhaitham has, and he wonders if he’ll make it through this argument without losing his temper further. He doubts it, but—Kaveh thinks of the quiet mornings, the days they spent together simply existing, the look Alhaitham gives him when Kaveh is sneaky about observing him and—there’s something holding him back. He doesn’t want this to end in flames, not like their thesis project Kaveh still clings to, and not like the almost argument they had earlier with Kaveh’s shortened temper. 

“Oh, my apologies, senior, for interrupting you when you clearly had it under control,” Alhaitham continues on, and Kaveh clenches his fists by his sides and tries to breathe. This is Alhaitham caring, Kaveh tries to remind himself, this is an Alhaitham who is overwhelmed and had to help Kaveh out of his mess (again. again, again, and again!) and bring him back from Irminsul; Kaveh can’t blame him for the fury, right? Kaveh does not understand the vitriol, not in the slightest because isn’t it Alhaitham’s job anyway to make sure Kaveh doesn’t do anything dumb that would lead to a mess and perhaps the loss of his magic user?

Isn’t that… what they are? They are simply magic user and tether. 

Nothing more, right…?

“I did,” Kaveh insists, though his fists remain clenched and at his sides. “I managed to stop whatever overflow there was and make the area a lot safer, so, I don’t get why this is a big deal. I’m only your magic user, right?”

There is silence. It stretches for what feels like forever.