en Canarias es de lo más normal


Cosplans para los próximos eventos en Canarias #cosplayspain


t lo prometo pachu tienes q ir a canarias a probarlo


Tiempo previsto en Canarias desde 21-10-2024 hasta 26-10-2024. Info siempre actualizada en


Thousands of flag-waving demonstrators hit the streets across Spain's Canary Islands over the weekend to demand restrictions to the mass tourism they say is overwhelming their Atlantic archipelago

A large crowd of demonstrators is gathered on a sunny day in a location featuring palm trees and a tropical atmosphere, typical of the Canary Islands. The scene shows a diverse group of people, some wearing sunglasses and casual summer clothing, actively participating in a protest against mass tourism. Various colorful banners and signs are being held high by the protesters, including one that reads "CANARIAS NO VIVE DEL TURISMO; EL TURISMO VIVE DE CANARIAS" and another that states "TOURISTS ARE WELCOME POLITICIANS GO HOME." The background reveals structures with thatched roofs and greenery, indicative of a lively tourist destination. The enthusiasm of the demonstrators is apparent as they wave flags and shout, showcasing their strong sentiments regarding tourism in their homeland. The atmosphere conveys a sense of solidarity among the participants in their call for change.
A lively beach scene filled with demonstrators gathered on a sandy shoreline under a clear blue sky. In the foreground, a woman sits on a beach towel, wearing a yellow bikini, with her back to the viewer, while a man beside her lies on a towel in shorts. Both appear relaxed, but the crowd behind them is animated. 

A diverse group of protesters, some holding colorful flags and signs, marches along the beach, demanding restrictions on tourism in the Canary Islands. The signs feature messages such as "Canarias tiene un límite," highlighting their concerns. Some participants wear casual summer clothing, including shorts, tank tops, and hats, while others carry umbrellas for shade. 

The beach is busy, with more people in the background, some sunbathing, while others engage in conversation or join the protest. The atmosphere is energetic, filled with a sense of urgency and community as people advocate for their cause, all set against the backdrop of the sparkling Atlantic Ocean.

muy triste 😔😔 si tuviera dinero haría algún viajecito a canarias


Das nennt man übrigens "Fremdenfeindlichkeit", denn es ist völlig irrelevant, aus welchen Beweggründen Einheimische Fremde des Landes verweisen wollen. "Dieser Strand gehört uns" ist ein 1:1 Pendant zu "Deutschland den Deutschen". Vete a la mierda, Canarias!

Kanarische Inseln: Demonstrationen gegen Massentourismus
Kanarische Inseln: Demonstrationen gegen Massentourismus

Jedes Jahr machen Millionen Touristen Urlaub auf den Kanarischen Inseln. Gegen den Massentourismus demonstrierten nun erneut Tausende Menschen.


Me da la sensación de que el trasvase de Twitter Canarias a Bluesky va al golpito.