Some of us growing up had two cans on a string.


I have the sticky pepper spray. Among other things. 😏 Thanks for this though. Also, wasp spray cans are kind of big.


IIRC, there were a few beer cans as well. This was before the theatres were serving alcohol at the concession stand, so it was jarring to see the cans there. Fortunately, we didn’t have to touch the bones. Just swept them up and tossed them out. But still. Ew.


I do like that Pringles cans are 2.5 regular cans tall and their lids fit perfectly on an opened can though - if you want to store leftovers in the fridge. (Not that you're supposed to store food that way but it is handy).I do like that Pringles cans are 2.5 regular cans tall and their lids fit perfectly on an opened can though - if you want to store leftovers in the fridge. (Not that you're supposed to store food that way but it is handy).


If the free market is so good, why are supermarkets still selling unstackable tin cans?


listen i love my white family i do and they’re very good cooks but i am having very complicated feelings about the fact that when i went to the pantry to make perhaps some beans or lentils after about a week with no fiber in this house, i found *23* cans of creams of whatever soup and no rice


What about: My French flatmate found me drunk and asked how much I'd had. "Cans of beer," I said. "FIFTEEN OF BEER!?!?" he gasped.


Inherited my love of WD-40 from my Dad. In fact, I still have a couple cans of his from when I cleaned out his workshops (yes, plural, he had TWO. One in the basement, one in the barn.) after he passed 11 years ago!

21 Strange and Ingenious Uses for WD40
21 Strange and Ingenious Uses for WD40

What can you do with a can of WD40? Lubricate M-16s, catch bigger fish, de-ice rod guides, clean turtles, repel pigeons, remove dog poo, make a flame-thrower, and much, much more.


Yeah, you're right on all counts there. Maybe it should be: My French flatmate was going to the shop and asked if I wanted anything. "A few beers please," I said. "Cans." "Fifteen is not a few," he said. "You have a problem."