Oh that's pretty cool! I had no idea Bluesky does lists like this. Feel free to add myself for aviation pictures if you're still cataloguing ;) that's about 90% of my feed.


Unknown Portuguese master, Hell, c. 1510-1520, Oil on oak, 119 x 217.5 cm (Museu Nacional de Arte Antiga, Lisbon) / Mestre português desconhecido, O Inferno, c. 1510-1520, Óleo sobre madeira de carvalho, 119 x 217,5 cm 🎃👹🔥

The painting offers us a mediaeval image of Hell, cataloguing the eternal torments related to the deadly sins. The figuration of Vanity in the form of three naked women, hanging upside down with their hair on fire, directs our attention to the three graces of Apollo’s retinue. The lovers, bound together and symbolising Lust, at the opposite end of the painting, seem to come straight out of Dante, highlighting the picture’s plurality of iconographic sources. (MNAA)

A pintura propõe-nos uma imagem medieval do Inferno, inventariando os suplícios eternos em relação com os pecados capitais. A figuração da Vaidade através de três mulheres nuas, penduradas invertidas com os cabelos a arder, remete para as três graças do séquito de Apolo. Os amantes unidos por um laço, simbolizando a Luxúria, no extremo oposto, parecem decorrer diretamente de Dante, mostrando a pluralidade de fontes iconográficas. (MNAA)

I saw several California condors at the Grand Canyon almost 20 yrs ago, and it's still a vivid memory that I cherish. In college I had a job that involved cataloguing tons of 100+yo conservation and field photos of them, and it was so bittersweet. Seeing them in the wild later helped cleanse that.


It's also great for cataloguing yarn and finding alternatives when the one you want isn't available anymore. So helpful all around.


I don't feel like I'm losing anything. I'm not the one obsessively cataloguing the conversations of strangers.


Don’t mind me just mentally cataloguing all the times people skated right up to the edge of clocking my autism


I wish back in the Obama years I had done a better job cataloguing the Operation Jade Helm conspiracy theories and who was pushing it and believing it. It really felt like a precursor to…all of twitter these days


rating art and media 4 out of 5 stars on my various cataloguing sites even if I don't think it's quite that good bc I appreciate what it's going for and don't want to drag its average score down


Machine learning is great for these types of applications (cataloguing large sets of photos, transcribing audio, etc.) which would be incredibly man-hour intensive normally, it's just the fact that they keep trying to shove LLM chatbots and art generation down everyone's throats that is awful IMHO