"I got this feeling and just what it is God only knows but here it goes Stood on a sea of pain Let it rain, let it rain, let it rain I’ll be back on my feet again cause I am a mountain"


YouTube video by Coldplay - Topic


Said with love, of course, 'cause I'm a Cali native. But the assumption that salad greens are universally available year round makes me cry with an Alaskan accent.


Bnha sketch pages cause. I have no idea how to start posting art here Just trying to stay lose and bkdk takes absolutely no thought for me


'cause I see sparks fly whenever you smile ✨❤️


More on Handala, from my 2017 travelogue (I’ve evolved in my conclusions since then)

I think of the t-shirt vendor.
The day after Hebron, I had no tours scheduled, so I wandered the Old City. For some reason, I felt compelled to buy a commemorative shirt. I wanted it to have some kind of special meaning for myself and I decided I wanted it to feature Handala. He's a character created by the most famous Palestinian cartoonist of all time, the late Naji al-Ali. A refugee of the 1948 exodus, al-Ali's heyday was the wild 1970s and '80s, when the Palestinian question exploded onto the world stage thanks to events like Yasser Arafat's address to the United Nations, a rash of plane hijackings, and the Sabra and Shatila massacre. Al-Ali was hardly an endorser solely of nonviolent resistance: he regularly showed sympathy for armed combat against Israel. To be fair, he also criticized Arab leaders and denounced anyone who undermined the cause of Palestinian liberty and self-rule. Whatever his political specifics, for a Jewish reader, his work is, to put it mildly, awkward to loo
Nevertheless, as a lover of cartoon art, I have to separate out Handala from the logographic anti-Semitism around him and isolate the character as something very worthy of note. He appears in nearly every al-Ali cartoon, and almost always in the exact same pose. He is a boy in ragged clothing, a sprinkling of wiry hair upon his head and no shoes on his feet. He stands with his back to the reader, his hands clasped behind him, gazing intently at whatever is happening in the cartoon. He is a potent image, one I have to admire, as he is not a combatant, not a hijacker, not a politician, and not even a participant. He is an observer, and a passionately committed one. He looks squarely at everyone - Israeli, Arab, American — and, in doing so, puts us in his miniature panopticon. Comfortable people like me treat the destitute and displaced as though they're invisible, but Handala says we are not invisible to them.
Handala knows what you've done. Handala doesn't care about your self-justifica
I wandered the market sections of the Old City without seeing any Handala, then came to a vendor whose sign declared that he makes custom shirts. I asked him if he had any Handala designs. He lit up and mumbled to himself in Arabic as he shuffled through a pile of printable designs.
He showed me one that simply depicts Handala in his typical gazing pose. I said I wanted it. But he had another offer: he shuffled some more and showed me one with Handala in the bottom-left, looking at a map of the Holy Land filled with the colors of the Palestinian flag. Arabic text accompanied it, and I asked the vendor what it said.
He smiled: "It says, 'Love Palestine, we will return." No, I say, that one's way too extreme for me. He went about printing my Handala shirt on a hand-operated machine and I remarked to him that it's more than a little odd how he also sells shirts with Israeli Defense Forces logos on them. "What are you going to do?" he said with a shrug.
"But there are some" — and he pointe

Need to keep working on my side project after work. Yesterday I "indulged myself" making menus/UI/save&load code (cause I kinda enjoy that stuff 😅) today I finish and go back to actual gameplay coding since that's more important. I gave myself a deadline till the end of the year...


Bringing my oldest to work with me cause the public schools are still closed due to the incident. I had to go to work with my Dad too sometimes


Actual cause of youth isolation and depression: What parents think is causing youth isolation and depression.

Two newspaper headlines: severe cuts to urban youth services, and parents want to stop children having smartphones until they're 14.

I'm leaving today I'm going far, far, far away Got no reason to stay cause I want to play So can you hang, it's gonna be all night


on, but that's cause I just did a bunch of push-ups outside, also why I'm out of breath.