Oh my FUCKING GOD a guy in this show just went to get his old car out of the garage, it was covered in a hige drop cloth to keep it clean and he DRAMATICALLY pulled the cloth off in the exact way that made ALL THE DUST BILLOW UP AND COVER THE FUCKING CAR IN DUST A CONVERTIBLE WHY


Happy I͗ḫt Ḥr Ḫꜣwt (Offerings on the Altar), Bluesky! Today is day 5 of da #AncientEgyptian#LunarCalendar or Temple Month. Da stroke under the face (ḥr) sometimes works like an article making da sign above an ideogram, "the face", "a face", but in dis case (ḥr) is a phonogram fur "on". -- Loki💛😸

Graphic highlighting the hieroglyphs of an ancient Egyptian lunar day. Labeled, "The knowledge of the cycle of the Two Lights (Sun and Moon)", and "Temple Month Day 4". In the center are the hieroglyphs for  "I͗ḫt Ḥr Ḫꜣwt", "The Offerings Upon the Altar, featuring a sieve (I think rising sun), loaf of bread, human face and stroke, folded cloth, an offering table with slices of bread, and the alabaster bowl as a determinative that signifies a festival.

«He rambles, he repeats himself, he roams from thought to thought — some of them hard to understand, some of them unfinished, some of them factually fantastical. He voices outlandish claims that seem to be made up out of whole cloth.» —


The roads in Brasstown, NC glitter. There’s a grayish rock that sparkles that’s everywhere. And so the paths look like someone glitterbombed them. It’s absolutely delightful. Does anyone know what this rock is? The photo doesn’t capture the sparkle, naturally.

A flecked gray and white rock, in macro, sitting on a white cloth. If I could tell you more about it, I would, but I’m a tooter, not a geologist, Jim.

Don't have any disposable diapers so it's going be a cloth diaper and inflatable pamp kind of night ^////^


Day Six of Covid Isolation

Tom Hanks, nearly nude expect for a loin cloth, with awful looking shoulder length blond hair, yells at a Volleyball

Okay, legitimately, outside of Kuroga's design (lion for the fantasy project) this guy is my favorite design and I love him.


Gobtober 6: Tailor The lady that makes all those cute clothes everyone wears! To get a perfect fit, she likes to go hands-on with the measuring. There's little wonder why she's the favorite of all the cloth-wearing adventurers! #gobtober#gobtober2024