The source os this claim seems to be this Wired article: I don't know how accurate either claim is, but, should that mine be so central to the industry, I bet that billions will be poured to rehabilitate it in a hurry--where or not that helps the people living nearby.

tweet by Ian Coldwater:
Think hurricane Helene doesn't affect you? Spruce Pine NC was the world's only source of the quartz required to make semiconductors.

Spruce Pine got decimated by the storm. There are no alternative sources known.

Global semiconductor manufacturing could end within six months.

Can anyone confirm? I’ve not heard this before.

lan Coldwater @IanColdwater
Think Hurricane Helene doesn't affect you? Spruce Pine, NC was the world's only source of the quartz required to make semiconductors.
Spruce Pine got decimated by the storm. There are no alternative sources known.
Global semiconductor manufacturing could end within six months.

Mt. St. Helens today from the Coldwater Lk. visitor center. We were here 11 years ago and can see the change in valley greenery. There’s a bit of steam above the growing lava dome.Mt. St. Helens today from the Coldwater Lk. visitor center. We were here 11 years ago and can see the change in valley greenery. There’s a bit of steam above the growing lava dome.

Mt. St. Helens, Washington
Mt. St. Helens, with a poof of steam above the growing lava dome.

The ocean had been stirred up for several days so we headed up to Fort Constitution in New Hampshire to check out the river. This site is full of life, but the visibility is always bad. #macroPhotography#photography#NewEngland#coldWater#scubaDiving#fish#scallops#anemones#MarineLife

A sea scallop with shell slightly open revealing pale white tentacles and a dozen black, shiny eyes
A pale, tan rock gunnel peering out of a burrow encrusted with tunicates and sponges
Brightly colored frilled anemones reaching out into the green water to grab any food that passes by
A profile view of a tiny red lumpfish using its modified fins to grab onto my buddy's camera float.

10: Quentin Coldwater and Eliot Waugh

Screengrab of Quentin and Eliot sitting together from "A Life in the Day" from the fifth episode of the third season of The Magicians.

The word "if" is doing a lot of work in this "you're on your own" sign.

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers released redesigned signs they plan to post along Coldwater Creek this fall.

The Missouri Coalition for the Environment, which has advocated for signs along Coldwater Creek for more than 25 years, said that the signs mark a “step in the right direction,” but don’t fully acknowledge the danger present along the creek. Via Missouri Independent

Signs warning of radioactive waste to be installed along Missouri�...
Signs warning of radioactive waste to be installed along Missouri�...


Coldwater man arrested on Jan. 6 charges - The Daily Standard


Idk it looks like I can buy it directly from Coldwater Creek for less? Is there anything special included if I buy from you instead?


I keep seeing it (and Coldwater Creek holds up, so at least it's not a one-season wonder) but that price tag.... but also, foxes. But also I am a Kit. Which is a name for a fox. But also. (tl:dr: I understand, also that sweaterrrrr)