#Comictober Day 2 This panel is from the Prologue and was also a stand-alone illustration that I pulled the inks from. It was the series icon for a while! Sadly I don't save many sketches so all I had was the lightwork sketch, not framework


Day 3 Doctor's order #comictober

Jazz visits Dr.Mario not feeling too good, The Doc inspects his....ear??? And then prescribes Jazz to eat a set of pills in a specific order, they would be colored but this is a grayscale comic so pretend this is Gameboy Dr.Mario.

Iā€™ve been using this pen to ink. Itā€™s a black ink 0.5 fine tip. Itā€™s says Illustration Markers on it. Honestly have no idea where I got it. Just one of many pens Iā€™ve acquired somewhere, somehow. BUT itā€™s the color that youā€™re interested in. I achieve the color using gradient map in Procreateā€¦ (1/2)

Photo of sketchbook and pen used for Comictober with Procreate gradient map settings also in the image.

Comictober - 3 #comics

Comictober day 3, third panel. Simple ink drawing. A lil guy has emerged from the ground and is shaking the dirt off of themself. The lil guy is round, with two legs and no arms. There is a sprout coming from their head. In this panel the sprout is shaking left to right as the lil guy gets the dirt off themself.  To the right is the hole the lil friend emerged from and to the left os a plant with 8 leaves.

Not a Comictober prompt! Just todayā€™s a normal posting day for me Iā€™m going to try and meet the prompts as best I can (with the help of videos and reposts), and my usual posting schedule might be tweaked to accommodate. But wanted to get this one out today!


Penciled! I think Iā€™ll ink it back at home.

Panel 3 of comictober penciled in but not inked.

Brought Comictober to the park with me!

Photo of a hand holding open a sketchbook at a park. There are 2 out of 10 comic panels that have been drawn in.

Just realized it would probably be a good idea to post them here as well so! Instead of a drawing challenge I am participating in #Comictober where I share Sketch -V- Final for comic art! I don't think BS has a bookmark feature but I'll maybe post the other days in the replies