Advice for new BlueSky users: Above all, my brothers, do not swear, either by heaven or by earth or by any other oath, but let your “yes” be yes and your “no” be no, so that you may not fall under condemnation.


I keep thinking about morals and justice for whatever reason. I'm a stringent moral nihilist. I have a history and ongoing pattern of outright refusing to condemn people. I'll call names, which I find hilarious when people freak out about like it's condemnation, but it's not lol.


I do think her campaign has realized that there is no appeasing many people in that camp. Many essentially want and end to US-Israel relations and a very strong condemnation. But no one is winning the presidency with that platform.


is manipulating the US election to install a compliant accomplice •compliant in mass murder like no one alive has ever seen, committed with TOTAL immunity from justice, from even appropriate condemnation •compliant in preserving a $Trillion income stream 100% from stolen inventions, by genociders


I think I can see condemnation in their eyes


I suppose its a matter of if we desire finality with our finality; versus the eternal suffering of being like a stone eroded in the river. Certainly a cruelty to condemnation such as that as a strict binary; but god---reincarnation is this whole thing that people treat as a kindness in fantasy.


Shades of 2016 here, when our natsec watched Russia meddle in our election with Trump's cooperation. Obama refused to do anything because Republican leaders refused to join him in a bipartisan condemnation. Then Trump won and got away with it all.


And the whole world stood by and watched as they always do There seems there is no limit to the barbarity that can illicit a meaningful response Empty words and passive condemnation killed that child and many others How many more?


Agreed. When I encountered this (and the Milgram experiments) in an undergrad core class in psych, I was so infuriated that my report consisted of a condemnation of this ethical vacuity. Took an F in the class for it. Still think I was right (and I'll be kind & not name the TA who issued the grade).


[OCs] A family tree with transformation and condemnation within #lotusverse#QueenieOC

A half body drawing of a brown woman with blue hair. Her hair flows around her and over her bare chest. She is wearing a red skirt with golden scribbled patterns. She wears scribbled on gold jewellery and a bun of white flowers on the right side of her head. light blue henna patterns run from her fingers to mid lower arms. Her eyes are closed with a serene expression, and a golden halo shines behind her. There is a white design painted on her forehead. The background is a murky green colour with roughly painted circles like a ripple effect. There is a cascade of light blue flowers emerging from behind her shoulders to the bottom of the image
A half body drawing of a brown man with curly, blue hair. He is clawing at his neck and chest, leaving reddish brown bruises beneath. He wears a plain white dothi with a gold border. His sclera are dark, his eyes purple, and mouth open in pain. The ends of his hair are rising up like small flames