desse tipo). Eles hibridizam essas gramáticas numa espécie de teologia econômica, que fica muito evidente em alguém como o Pablo Marçal. Contudo essa potencialidade conspiritual, q é um dado de sistemas em crise permanente, poderia ser trabalhada de muitas outras formas, inclusive progressistas.


So many new folks have joined my page, welcome to you all! My primary research focus is on the archaeology of conspirituality and conspiritual landscapes, through a study of Brother XII and the Aquarian Foundation's properties in southern British Columbia (1927-1932) 🏺


Happy I finally have my own print copy of this excellent book 🤩, which I reference often for my Brother XII C.U.L.T.S. Project (archaeology of Conspiritual Utopian Landscapes of Truth-Seekers) 🏺

Book, The Archaeology of Utopian and Intentional Communities. By Stacy C. Kozakavich

an archaeologist my interests are in looking at how he literally built that conspiritual vision. What did his version of the Great White Lodge look like? What sorts of material culture were used to reflect and reinforce his/the AF's conspirituality? And, if each of his island properties was 2/

One of the Aquarian Foundation's wooden cabins, sitting in a treed area on a small mound
A semi-rectangular gun fort built of stacked rocks, sitting in a forest

A lot of new folks have joined me here, so time for another quick introduction. Welcome everyone! My research revolves around Brother XII & the Aquarian Foundation. B12 wrote down a very conspiritual vision of the world that he claimed he was tasked with bringing to physical life, and as 1/

Paragraph from one of Brother XII's books where he writes that British Columbia is to be the location for the transition into the 6th subrace because it presents the "ideal conditions needed for all-round development."

It arrived! An original 1927 copy of Brother XII's book "Foundation Letters and Teachings" (also one of 5 books he expected Foundation members to have physical copies of). A 196-page piece of conspiritual material culture 🏺

Faded blue paper cover of a book titled Foundation Letters and Teachings
Inside title page repeating the book's title. It has an Egyptian tau symbol just below the title, with roman numerals 9 and 12 on either side of the tau. The author is the Brother, XII. And the book was published by the Sun Publishing Company in Akron, Ohio, in 1927.
Copyright page, showing the book is copyrighted by E. A. Wilson (Brother XII's legal name), in the USA. Dedication page which reads in all capital letters, this book is dedicated to every unprejudiced seeker of truth.

There are many things I am working on, so naturally I am finding ways to procrastinate. Productively, at least, as my colleagues and I put our heads together spent some time finding a name for my B12 work - Archaeology of Conspiritual Utopian Landscapes of Truth Seekers. A C.U.L.T.S. Project 🙌


Hence the unholy diagonal alliances between squatocratic fascism and conspiritual libertarianism. Wollstonecraft scathingly summed up English liberty, virtue, and justice as security of property — the cursed dream of freehold undercuts everything we do. We have to confront it.