aespa not coming to atl when dopamine is on the setlist is criminal


debugging: the game in which you are the detective, the criminal, and the victim


Insurance fraud is only a crime if you are a policyholder. Co can do whatever fraud it wants apparently. Not just FL, Michigan is bad for this too. Need to be large and automatic fines for this type of behavior plus criminal sanctions for execs.


If there's one criminal America oughta beat the crap out of, I'd pick a rich asshole with dozens of felonies.


More than 40 New York City Council members and state legislators have now called on Mayor Eric Adams to resign in the wake of federal criminal charges:

Eric Adams has been indicted. Who is calling on him to resign?
Eric Adams has been indicted. Who is calling on him to resign?

More than 40 elected officials say they have seen enough.


todos que eu vi dele são bons, mas meu fav é criminal minds


"Who needs critics?" I want you to look at this rando's review of the 1988 Italian horror flick NOSFERATU IN VENICE This is part of a review from someone who knows fuck-all about the movie or the context. Now read the second image, part of a review from someone with context for the movie.

A 3.5 star review of the movie, reading "Nonsensical Italian horror with four different directors? You just know you are in for a mind meltingly good time! Incoherent, yet totally ambitious in it's unintentional lunacy Nosferatu in Venice is pure late 80s trash.

A professor travels to Paris to investigate the last known appearance of the elusive Nosferatu during a 1786 carnival. And boy does he ever find him! Weirdo Klaus Kinski busts onto the scene delivering one wild and bizarre performance as the naughty Nosferatu! Running around like a lunatic ripping off women's shirts like nobody's business. Well to be fair some sleep in the nude so its not always ripping but removing the sheets. And one of them seems to become his girlfriend? Who knows man. " The line about Klaus being weird and naughty is highlighted for emphasis.
A score-less review by user Will Sloan: Back in my day, the only easy way to find this cursed wannabe-sequel to Herzog's Nosferatu was via a DVD-R bootleg from a downtown specialty video store. But now it's just sitting there for free right on Tubi! Today's kids will never understand.

Klaus Kinski cultivated a reputation of existing on the knife edge of sanity. This was the movie that finally made him unemployable. His on-set behaviour ranged from unprofessional (reneging on a promise to shave his head) to destructive (refusing to hit his marks) to actually criminal (sexually assaulting two of the female performers while cameras rolled - footage of which is in the finished movie!!!). A small army of directors came and went (the final product is credited to producer Augusto Caminito). Filming ended - or, really, stopped - with the production drastically overbudget and with much of the script still unfilmed.

finalmente vou conseguir assistir um pouquinho de criminal minds amo muitoo ❤️


Reading a 70s British criminal novel set largely in Glascow and the Scottish dialect is brutal "eh dinna ken wut is aboot" Kind of adorable how Brits thought of Scotland as a blighted no man's land of violence, with about a fifth the murder rate of my home town