Interesting, here he tosses the cushions off the couch, leaves Evan's dirty clothes in strange places and misses the kitchen trash can with things


You would never be able to peel it off of me without removing skin. I can't use any of those silicone things (cutlets, bra strap cushions, etc)


Put my hand in the gap in the sofa cushions. Bit gritty there, I thought, and spread the cushions apart to see what manner of crisps or other detritus was crunching under my fingertips. Desiccated house spider.


These were looking a little tired after over 5 years of being worn almost every single day for several hours. I got the replacements from Wicked Cushions, which seems like a reputable brand, and so far they look and feel great. Hopefully this lasts me another 5 […] [Original post on]

A pair of worn out headphone cushions. The leather-like material is flaking and they look a little misshapen.
My Sony headphones with the new replacement cushions installed, looking much nicer.

CABOOSE THOUGHTS. My Chicago boy Carl Sandburg ilysm... it's going to come out all right—do you know?

It's going to come out all right—do you know?
The sun, the birds, the grass—they know.
They get along—and we’ll get along.

Some days will be rainy and you will sit waiting
And the letter you wait for won’t come,
And I will sit watching the sky tear off gray and gray
And the letter I wait for won’t come.

There will be ac-ci-dents.
I know ac-ci-dents are coming.
Smash-ups, signals wrong, washouts, trestles rotten,
Red and yellow ac-ci-dents.
But somehow and somewhere the end of the run
The train gets put together again
And the caboose and the green tail lights
Fade down the right of way like a new white hope.
I never heard a mockingbird in Kentucky
Spilling its heart in the morning.

I never saw the snow on Chimborazo.
It’s a high white Mexican hat, I hear.

I never had supper with Abe Lincoln.
Nor a dish of soup with Jim Hill.

But I’ve been around.
I know some of the boys here who can go a little.
I know girls good for a burst of speed any time.

I heard Williams and Walker
Before Walker died in the bughouse.

I knew a mandolin player
Working in a barber shop in an Indiana town,
And he thought he had a million dollars.
I knew a hotel girl in Des Moines.
She had eyes; I saw her and said to myself
The sun rises and the sun sets in her eyes.
I was her steady and her heart went pit-a-pat.
We took away the money for a prize waltz at a
          Brotherhood dance.
She had eyes; she was safe as the bridge over the
          Mississippi at Burlington; I married her.

Last summer we took the cushions going west.
Pike’s Peak is a big old stone, believe me.
It’s fastened down; something you can count on.

It’s going to come out all right—do you know?
The sun, the birds, the grass—they know.
They get along—and we’ll get along.

Which, to be fair, has been a master stroke of pointing to one of them and saying he looks like the kind of creepy prick who would stick his dick between a set of couch cushions. Which... just caused a complete mass psychosis event. So, golf clap there.


We don't have cushions because we can suddenly collapse and let in X amount of goals at any point


i washed my couch cushions. cat smell beGONE


#Vore#IfraArtTag Meet Pilla, a Plush Dog Mom who loves to tease her organic friends and stuff them into fake plush foodstuffs and adores making them flustered!

Top Left: Text, "PILLA! The Plush Pooch" Left: A full body render of a large, plush dog. Based on a golden retriever and with a pear shaped body. Top-Middle: The plush excitedly squishing someone between two cushions resembling bread. Middle Middle: Pilla tucking someone into a big bed resembling a pie tin, with a pie cover blanket going over them. Bottom Middle:  Pilla playfully massaging someone by using a foam rolling pin on them over a pizza made of cloth. Text reads "Memory Foam Rolling Pin (excellent for Massages) Top Mid-Right: A view of the inside of her stomach, showing the plush interior filled with pillows and fake foods, alongside a flustered Ifra. Center Right: Pilla playfully about to drop someone into her pouch. Bottom Center Right: Pilla looking pleased as someone presses outwards from inside her stomach. Top Right: A closeup of Pilla's pawpads and eye, with the text "THE BAPPER" over the paw. Rightmost Middle: Pilla blepping as she sits facing away from the viewer, showing off her mono-caboose to them which has a heart patch below the tail. There's a hand sticking out from under it, implying she's sitting on someone. Bottom Rightmost: A view of her open maw, showing off the soft, plushie insides.

Those are cushions?! Wow!