Google invests one billion US dollars in Thai datacenters & cloud region. Upskilling 150,000 workers in A.I. skills. Source: Thairath, Khaosod English, Bangkok Post #thailand#google#bigtech

A headline saying:

"Google invests 36 billion baht into creating Thai datacenters and cloud region. Upskilling 150,000 Thai workers with A.I."

Teveel datacenters aangesloten misschien..🙈


He did sign a bill looking into improving California's energy infrastructure (which is being slammed by dumb AI datacenters), so one positive outcome is Diablo Canyon stays online, and maybe, hopefully, the nuclear boobies at SONGS come back to life.


Mooie woorden over AI Grote techbedrijven, zoals Microsoft, geven hoog op over de kansen die artificiële intelligentie biedt om verduurzaming van de samenleving te versnellen. Los van het feit dat de benodigde datacenters behoorlijke energieslurpers zijn blijkt er ook een andere […]


'Deze week nog werd bekend dat een van de beruchtste kerncentrales ter wereld, het Amerikaanse Three Mile Island, na jaren van sluiting weer opengaat. Microsoft heeft de energie nodig voor zijn datacenters.' #AI


Não é uma questão de ser contra ou a favor do uso da tecnologia. Tudo o que oferece alguma vantagem competitiva será usado. Há um problema ético no uso de propriedade intelectual privada sem pagar seus criadores e um problema no uso de recursos para resfriamento e operação de datacenters.


"CEO da Nvidia defende uso de usinas nucleares para alimentar datacenters" Tenho uma sugestão melhor, já que logo mais não vamos mais precisar de pessoas para fazer as coisas...


The fucking things just die. Definitely much less often in actual datacenters with real HVAC and professionally installed runs with gentle curves and stress relief etc. But at home? With cables pulled from The Box Of Cables we all have? Definitely more often. :)


d'après goldman sachs, les besoins énergétiques des GAFAM pour l'IA vont croître de 160% d'ici 2030. selon une étude du guardian, les émissions de gaz à effets de serre de leurs datacenters seraient environ 7,62 fois plus élevées que ce qu'elles déclarent.

Data center emissions likely 662% higher than big tech claims. Can it keep up the ruse?
Data center emissions likely 662% higher than big tech claims. Can it keep up the ruse?

Emissions from in-house data centers of Google, Microsoft, Meta and Apple may be 7.62 times higher than official figures


this happened because they burned all revenue building datacenters the entire time, which may have convinced the vc class that this was always a winning strategy