On 26 August, Chinese artist Gao Zhen was detained by Beijing police. Zhen, 68, is being held at a detention centre, facing charges under a 2021 law that could imprison him for up to three years. His arrest threatens artistic freedom in China. Artists at Risk (AR) calls for his immediate release.


Palestinian Prisoners Rights Organizations: The total number of arrests stands at (11.000) in the #Westbank#Jerusalem#Palestine

Palestinian Prisoners Rights Organizations:

The total number of arrests stands at (11.000) in the #Westbank and #Jerusalem. 


• 420 women
• 740 children  / minors
• 108 journalists, 59 still detained
• 8872 administrative detention orders issued in total

Does not include arrest cases from Gaza, which are estimated at thousands

📰 In Cherkasy Russian agent, who spied on air defense locations, was detained - SSU. PHOTO 🔗


Trump lied & then repeated the lie about the number of people who have homicide conviction who entered the US during the Biden-Harris admin. Former #ICE [Original post on]

RWNJ post Kamala Harris let into our country 13,000 murderers. Add in some convicted rapists and that crew would fill up the Pinnacle Bank Arena
Trump is wildly distorting new statistics on immigration and crime to attack Vice President Kamala Harris.
Photo of Trump CNN story by Daniel Dale.
Cartoon by Jen Sorensen title Don't Take the bait. 
First panel JD Vance admitted to quote creating stories quote to drive news coverage JD Vance photo with the bubble saying( outrageously inflammatory lie to get everybody talking about our favorite, issue, which is actually just a bigger pile of dangerous lies parentheses 
second panel how to respond without feeding into their Ploy number one ask: what kind of creep would demonize innocent people as a campaign strategy? Photo of JD Vance caption how disgusting to suggest we had anything to do with this. Sign says school closed due to threats to also ask: why do their Tech billionaire back or seem okay with tearing the nation apart? Caption it's definitely not so we can take over the government and play God with infinite wealth and power shows a photo of the vance-o-matic control panel three every time they bring up the story quote mention something real that is harming Americans, sound bubble at least two women in Georgia died after they couldn't access legal abortions And Timely Medical Care propublica Trump image saying no everybody wanted this Kamala Harris looking

They should have detained him prior to speech time at the UNGA.


Disco Mosul, from "The Amman Project"

line drawing-style portrait of a man with one arm and one leg seated in a low chair; man has dark short-cropped hair and dark moustache and beard; text around figure
The Amman Project (also known as the Abu Ghraib Detainee Interview Project) was initiated by Philadelphia human rights attorney Susan L. Burke, who assembled a team of lawyers and researchers leading a civil class-action lawsuit on behalf of 267 Iraqi nationals detained at Abu Ghraib Prison and other locations in Iraq. The legal team invited Philadelphia-based artist Daniel Heyman to accompany them to Amman, Jordan and Istanbul, Turkey, where they recorded depositions and conducted interviews with the former detainees. Heyman was permitted to record testimony and draw portraits of the Iraqis as they recounted their experiences to Burke and her staff. During the project, Heyman made portraits of 25 of the former Iraqi detainees, both in drypoint and as watercolor drawings. He drew his compositions and transcribed portions of their translated testimony in real time, writing the text by hand in reverse on the copper plates to ensure its correct orientation when printed. Each of the eight plates in the portfolio features portions of testimony from individual detainees. The Amman Project portfolio is a somber account of the inhumanity and brutality of war, specific to the Iraqi War (2003-10), but applicable to all wars. His portraits are restrained and formally conventional, capturing both the likeness and the character of each of the individuals portrayed. He stresses their pride and dignity, a dignity that was shattered by the horrific nature of their wartime experiences as detailed in the text excerpts, which recount allegations of torture by American and foreign civilians and other nonmilitary personnel during interrogations. This contrast between image and word, between self-respect and abuse, lies at the heart of Heyman's artistic statement, and is the source of the portfolio's powerful content. It should be noted that none of the detainees that Heyman portrays was ever charged with a crime.

I still can't quite believe & am mystified that the U.S. state of Missouri/the Republican Governor/Supreme Court allowed for the murder of totally innocent Marcellus Williams. 💔😢 Detained in custody, on death row, for a crime he didn't commit since about the year 2000. Rest In Peace! 😢


When Kafka asked why he had been detained, he was told “it is not necessary to know the truth, only that it was necessary.”