Oppression exists in several spheres. To truly stand for justice for all and the planet, we have to look from an intersectional lens. "Environmental justice opposes military occupation, repression, exploitation of lands, people and cultures, and other life forms." Book details are in the alt text.

A page from the book Intersectional Environmentalist: How to dismantle systems of oppression to protect people+planet by Leah Thomas

Here is a quote from the principals of environmental justice defined at the first national people of color environmental summit.

14. Environmental justice opposes the destructive operations of multinational corporations.
15. Environmental justice opposes military occupation, repression, exploitation of lands, people and cultures, and other life forms.

For example, I believe that the State of Israel should continue to exist, regardless of what you think of the justification for its creation, because we are now three generations in and you couldn't possibly dismantle it without committing great crimes. These Israelis were both there.


the Supreme Court's rightward drift will continue – whether to reinforce the powers of the presidency, defend the interests of the Republican Party, dismantle certain legislation on voting rights or abortion or attack the political and socioeconomic gains ...

US presidential election: 'Even if Kamala Harris wins, the Supreme Court's move to the right will continue'
US presidential election: 'Even if Kamala Harris wins, the Supreme Court's move to the right will continue'

OP-ED. Legal expert Anne Deysine highlights a hidden political issue in the November presidential election: the balance of power on the Supreme Court, where the radical right is in a strong position.


The tasty vampires aspire to dismantle scientists!


1. Seduce Pope 2. Dismantle the Papacy 3. Profit!


Lord knows it wasn't perfect, such as that can be achieved without becoming that which it seeks to dismantle, and it doesn't have to appear in exactly that format, but rather than individuals, that culture is what you're seeking.


"Er hat nur eine Obsession für Genetics." sagt die


This one part struck me as odd, though. The 30% number is a reference to the large and fairly uniform cut that Steam takes on PC games, that Apple and Google take on mobile games, and that Microsoft and Sony take on console games. (Nintendo is slightly more complicated, but no less a fiefdom).

White text on a black background: "We also cannot dismantle the monopoly of digital fiefdoms taking 30% platform fees on all game revenue of every single developer out there. Only by an organised resistance of a large number of developers moving to a collectively-owned gamer-friendly platform could this be done. We can welcome and prioritize the rise of such a platform, and actively encourage its creation, as one of the tools of our deliverance from exploitation, but as an individual studio we are powerless."

we need to like dismantle the fascist press if we ever want an election where fascism isn't one of the two candidates


I would never doubt that he would dismantle most, if not all, agencies if he wins. He'll then pretend to have a government but it's not the real one bc everyone must report directly to him, including the judiciary and legislative branches. A dictator that is. Not just one day, but for life.