The amounts alleged of actual straw donors are under $25k. At an 8x match, the resulting guidelines could lead to about five years' imprisonment. I think that Mr. Spiro's strategy is that, if he can get the Turkish bribery charges dismissed, a jury might nullify on campaign finance.


I know a few teachers who would welcome such gifts forming part of their everyday working practice. Strange how donors find that a less attractive proposition.


Hello, I have gone through your GoFundMe campaign and I understand your need for more donors, I would love to partner with you in achieving your campaign goal, firstly did you want your campaign to reach out to potential donors?


Looking at political donations for... reasons, and i'm like "why the fuck is peters donating so much to his own party?" and then i remembered oh right, it's the legal money laundering NZ first does to hide their donors.


Hello 👋 Philip, I have gone through your GoFundMe campaign and I understand your need for more donors, I would love to partner with you in achieving your campaign goal, firstly did you want your campaign to reach out to potential donors?


He does miss the point To further illustrate my point about the oddness making it a bigger scandal The Vacuum of Integrity took at least one maybe several expensive holidays off donors. But what made the fuss was the wallpaper. And the Checquers tree-house - which he never got


Surely the allegations about straw donors and soliciting CC from foreigners, if proved, could still send him to jail.


Hello 👋 Kela, I have gone through your GoFundMe campaign and I understand your need for more donors, I would love to partner with you in achieving your campaign goal, firstly did you want your campaign to reach out to potential donors?


Hello 👋 there, I have gone through your GoFundMe campaign and I understand your need for more donors, I would love to partner with you in achieving your campaign goal, firstly did you want your campaign to reach out to potential donors?


Hello 👋 Terry, I have gone through your GoFundMe campaign and I understand your need for more donors, I would love to partner with you in achieving your campaign goal, firstly did you want your campaign to reach out to potential donors?