losing/gaining 5 pounds is nothing i don't want to hear none of it. the main concern should always be a drastic change in weight and how it has been affecting you mentally numbers dont matter never did. your body is not a number


No, no. After another disappointing season, this one really disappointing, I think we're good, yeah? Maybe a few minor tweaks here and there but nothing too drastic. No need for any sort of accountability at all. At all. Couple more stadium upgrades. Looking forward to 2025!


I'm familiar with Smoot-Hawley, but is there any close comparison for such a drastic economic policy reversal in the midst of a world-leading economic boom?


Whoa. I've always found speech to text bad, but that's drastic.


Sometimes life calls for drastic measures.




Gotta catch hiccups within 180 seconds or that's you for a couple of hours. Go drastic. My first approach = lie down, legs in the air, radically exaggerated inhale, hold, radically exaggerated exhale. Repeat × 10. Hiccup yoga. Works 90% of the time.


vague pluralpost but it is kinda funny how distinctly i can tell who's fronting even passively based on our taste in music and how drastic a change it can be sometimes depending on who was here before


I JUST THINK. bleaching her hair isnt drastic enough she shouldve chopped it up


“Earlier this summer, [Floridians] learned of an initiative that would strip mention of concepts such as climate change from state textbooks. It’s a far cry from six years ago, when Gov. Ron DeSantis spoke of ‘resiliency’ as the No. 1 priority of his admin…”

Global, national and state leaders must recognize at long last that the world's climate cares nothing for political fiction. The world's seas are growing warmer. Ice floes are melting. Sea levels are rising. Florida, flat and surrounded by water, is just the harbinger. Unusually violent storms, including blizzards and tornadoes, are manifesting with greater frequency. Communities along both seaboards and in the nation's river deltas are seeing sunny-day flooding. In many ecosystems, the balance between prey and predator is being thrown off-balance by a lack of places for fish to spawn or prairie to
Human beings may not be the sole cause of this global upheaval. But they are the only ones with the ability and the ingenuity to stop or at least slow the damage. Without drastic, responsible action, we are facing storms that could make Helene's fury fade into memory.