Gewoon voor thuis gebruik, niet al te veel eisen aan. Hij moet het vooral zonder haperen doen.


Och, Eisen schweißen, geile Scheiße, Büschen Betonsockel. 380V Motor mit Propeller und ab geht die Post. Lädst Du die Batterie oder swicht um aufs Hausnetz nach dem Zähler. WR noch.


VNO-NCW dat zich als duurzaam presenteert maar de fossiele industrie steunt. We willen deze organisatie ontmaskeren als een wolf in schaapskleren en eisen een einde aan hun lobby tegen fossiele subsidies. [2/4]


At many points in the book, Eisen talks about doubt and atonement in the context of Yom Kippur and the High Holy days. 5/6

I’ve learned from experience that a threat to the well-being of some- one you love can wring belief out of the most confirmed agnostic. It got me to pray last year when Becky was ill. None of us is a mere observer where God is concerned. I seem to always need the divine forgiveness I have ritually prayed for on Yom Kippur year after year. I also seem to need to give things freely to others, including forgiveness, even when that is the very last thing in the world I want to do. This need too, it turns out, is one of the things that puts me in mind of God.

"Acts of service work as an antidote to fear, as does the love we ex- perience when we return home from work." —Arnold Eisen, SEEKING THE HIDING GOD 4/6

Eisen headshot photo. Smiling middle-aged man with grey hair, wearing collar, suit, and tie.

Eisen acknowledges doubt and uncertainty while insisting on the ongoing value of Torah and faith. He suggests that the search for meaning, and the encounter with doubt, is itself part of a meaningful Jewish life. 3/6

But I was taught by my parents and teachers that there is, nonethe- less, Meaning (the capital M became affixed to the word early in my life and has not disappeared) to be found in a life guided by the Torah. An abundance of Meaning, and of pleasure, too, could be derived from studying the Torah’s laws and narratives year after year amid a like-minded Community. (The capital C signifies the seriousness of mutual relation that common study and practice creates among its members.) Accompanied by Jewish commentators from across the centuries and by careful non-Jewish readers of the biblical text like Kierkegaard, one could take part in a conversation that offered great reward in this life and held out the possibility of life in a world to come. That conversation with Torah forms a major part of this essay. I also learned during high school that Jewish theologians had shuttled between faith and doubt long before modern science and the Holocaust posed new challenges to belief

Publisher's weekly says, Eisen (a scholar and former Chancellor of the Jewish Theological Seminary) "delivers a stimulating exploration of his belief in a God." www.publishersweekly... 2/6

image of review; please read at the link

Leto Post- #Punk aus Hamburg auf Tour Metaphorische Texte und hookige Songstrukturen.

LETO auf Tour

18.10.24 Tangermünde, privat
19.10.24 Hannover, Stumpf
31.10.24 Bremen, Eisen
01.11.24 Köln, Stereo Wonderland
02.11.24 Karlsruhe, P8
22.11.24 Kassel, Subterrain
23.11.24 Neuenkirchen, Kulturbahnhof
29.11.24 Oldenburg, Umbaubar
30.11.24 Hamburg, Molotow
31.01.25 Braunschweig, B58
01.02.25 Solingen, Waldmeister
02.02.25 Wiesbaden, Schlachthof
14.02.25 Meppen, Jam
15.02.25 Trier, VillaWuller

Je vraagt je weleens af of sorry überhaupt in zijn woordenboek staat als het hemzelf betreft. Excuses eisen van anderen kan hij als de beste.