How did the word ekphrasis, which is the rhetorical term for description, end up a genre of poem about an artwork? Whenever I see a call for ekphrastic poems I have to correct myself about what they’re looking for.


cropped page of handwritten text: welcome to the circle. my philosopher's stone at age 6 was a ball of foil. i still have it. it still possesses me. ‐ me.
the werewolf with the rose tartoo is hiding up the holler and has my hand in her mouth covered in hiney & writing poems. elsewhere here i sit... howling at broken vases.
sketching and notes for an ekphrastic poem based on a romare bearden collage.
how do you inherit another man's scent, carrying Rother into rapture? to be rebuked as his doppelganger at the pearly gates! i love my daddy. he almost resembles a good man / he worked hard ate full drank long and laughed at your expense... i love my father.

Ekphrastic adjacent to Agnes Martin body of work. Loving it #poetrysunday -1


2nd of 2 prompts from Kevin Bertolero for our first special issue, Ekphrastic-esque! Swipe thru for prompt > work inspiring prompt > sub guidelines This is a great chance to dive deeper into the Frozen Sea fam & convo — can’t wait to your work! 🧊🪓 🌊


Malik Thompson’s prompt for our first special issue, Ekphrastic-esque! Swipe thru for prompt > work inspiring prompt > sub guidelines This is a great chance to dive deeper into the Frozen Sea fam & convo — can’t wait to see y’all’s work! 🧊🪓 🌊🩵


Amy Spade’s prompt for our first special issue, Ekphrastic-esque! Swipe thru for prompt > work inspiring prompt > sub guidelines This is a great chance to dive deeper into the Frozen Sea fam & convo — can’t wait to see y’all’s work! 🧊🪓 🌊🩵


Misha Solomon’s prompt for our first special issue, Ekphrastic-esque! Swipe thru for prompt > work inspiring prompt > next part of thread for sub guidelines


Malia Maxwell’s prompt for our first special issue, Ekphrastic-esque! Swipe thru for prompt > work inspiring prompt > sub guidelines This is a great chance to dive deeper into the Frozen Sea fam & convo — can’t wait to see y’all’s work! 🧊🪓 🌊🩵