cal galaxies are unlike spiral galaxies and hence unlike our own Milky Way Galaxy. The giant elliptical galaxy named NGC 4881 on the upper left lies at the edge of the giant Coma Cluster of Galaxies. Elliptical galaxies are ellipsoidal in shape, contain no spiral arms, contain little interstellar


In spiral galaxies, majestic winding arms of young stars and interstellar gas and dust rotate in a flat disk around a bulging galactic nucleus. But elliptical galaxies seem to be simpler. Lacking gas and dust to form new stars, their randomly swarming older stars, give them an ellipsoidal (egg-like)


More birds detected/sighted! 312 species so far (even more but I am slowly updating this)!. Pics from: D Sherony , W Commons, CC by SA 2.0, Black-whiskered Vireo R Knight, W Commons,CC by SA 2.0, Olive warbler P Coin, W Commons, CC by SA 2.5, Black-throated Sparrow #birds

A Black-whiskered Vireo perches on a branch. This small bird has a cream-colored chest and an olive-green back, wings, and tail. Its head is gray with a thin beak. It also has two dark streaks of feathers that run from the base of its beak, over its eyes, and almost to the back of its head.
n Olive Warbler perches on a branch with green leaves nearby. This small bird has an ellipsoidal body and a vivid light orange head with two black streaks from its beak to its eyes. Its belly, lower tail, and breast are gray, while its back is a graphite color. Its wings present a gray color, followed by an olive tone at the tips and streaks of black and white on the bird.
A Black-throated Sparrow perches on a cactus. This small sparrow has a gray front with black lines on its neck. Its face and head present streaks of gray, black, and white. The rest of its body is a graphite color with some darker tones.

Yunfan Gao, Florian Messerer, Niels van Duijkeren, Boris Houska, Moritz Diehl Real-Time-Feasible Collision-Free Motion Planning For Ellipsoidal Objects


Luigi Tedesco Ellipsoidal Universe and Cosmic Shear


What about the Jacobi calypsoid, the most graceful ellipsoidal figure of equilibrium? 🇹🇹

Jacobi ellipsoid - Wikipedia
Jacobi ellipsoid - Wikipedia


[2408.11100] Milan Pešta & Ondřej Pejcha: Distinguishing between light curves of ellipsoidal variables with massive dark companions, contact binaries, and semidetached binaries using... link


[2407.20863] Hanlun Lei: Spin-orbit coupling of the ellipsoidal secondary in a binary asteroid system. link


(the pants are the thick green grid lines separating the polar faces from the equatorial faces on this -s-p-h-e-r-i-c-a-l- ellipsoidal cube)

the "S2 geometry" cell hierarchy shown in a 3D rendering of a globe subdivided into faces, which each are further subdivided by a space-filling curve.