a meta do meu grupo eh traumatizar essa professora mandando 92180723 emails com duvida sobre o trabalho e visitando a sala dela 300x tambem pra tirar duvida pra ela nunca mais passar esse trabalho do caralho pra ninguem


Kindle sale emails really hit differently than they're meant to since my main source of Kindle books is the library. Y'all paying MORE than $3 per book??? I could not afford my reading habits at buying-books prices 😭


And tomorrow, yet another front page will completely erase the lies & far right authoritarianism. This is worse than "Reverse Emails." It's active, complicit propaganda. I hope they all sell lots of books under our future competitive authoritarian regime.


> oloco graças a deus eu não me identifico com essa Don't Smile 9/10 no geral o álbum é bem mais comercial e pra grudar, com vários singles do que o emails I cant send (que continua sendo meu favorito) mas é bem bom e combina com a essa era da sabrina, é um álbum bem original e bem feito


I bought an expensive ebike and started getting these emails before the bike even got delivered.


But I do think it's worth mentioning that I have seen some women in the industry who have received more death threats in a single month (and I was invited do, and did, look over their shoulder at the threatening emails), than I have in my entire career.


ao3 não ta me notificando de comentarios nos emails 😪


For years I blocked invitations from their government to their technology conferences and eventually blocked their emails from reaching the company's domain so my boss would never accidentally come across them ✌️


tô amando isso de escrever emails para suas amigas como se fossem páginas de um livro mas acho q se fossem cartas ia ser tao mais romântico


I have no idea why, but the DNC emails recently changed my name to Joan.

A portion on a screenshot that shows an email from Kamala Harris with the heading "Are you watching, Joan?"