GMs job is to empower the players. Give them challenges, sure—but those should make them feel great when they win.


Good evening, Hellsing 🛡️ Sometimes when we are where we're supposed to be we still feel out of place. This can mean you havent grown enough yet to fit in, but you will soon. There's a reason to be anyplace; just be you & see whats there to empower you 🩸 -- # -- Hellsing ScintHArt


Where are the women on my feed who want to DO something? Who want to jump in head first on making positive changes in their environments? Who want to empower and uplift their peers? Who have a message and story to share? Where are the women who MEAN it?

Websites For Women Writers - RUTH NINEKE Co
Websites For Women Writers - RUTH NINEKE Co

For Women (and Women identifying) writers who aspire to publish a book. Personalized websites for passionate women writers to showcase their work.


With sacred water from St. Michael's Church in Skalica and rain captured during a raging thunderstorm, this ink embodies both divine protection and nature's raw power. Use my St. Michael's Lightning Ink to charge sigils, empower protective spells, or call on higher forces

A small squat bottle of ink labelled "Carpathian Forest Ink St. Michael's Lightning" sitting on a shelf amidst books, and a large empty bottle draped with a necklace featuring a cross.

And the thing to remember about "no winning" is it hurts DeSantis's constituents the worst. If you vote to empower a fascist you still lose.


Exec. Dir. Khalil Demir & Adıyaman Province Gov. Dr. Osman Varol proudly attended the #opening#empower women affected by the 2023 Türkiye earthquake at the Eliyaman Women’s Cooperative. The new workshop will employ 150 women to create & sell crafts, local foods & dried goods.


Let's honor & celebrate community support throughout this #Latine/x#Latine/x, donando, compartiendo recursos y desestigmatizando el aborto.

Happy Latine/x Heritage Month. Graphic is on a blue background with leaves and different colored flowers around, with Reproaction logo.
States Community Support, Apoyo Comunitario. Support, Apoyar. Color Latina, National Latina Institute for Reproductive Justice, South Texans for Reproductive Justice, Suenos SIN Fronteras, The TransLatina Coalition, Familia: Trans Queer Liberation Movement (TQLM), Latinas for Reproductive Justice, Poderistas, Abortion Access Amarillo. Donate, Donar. Frontera Fund, Mariposa Fund, Abortion Access Fund Arizona, Abortion Fund of Arizona, Carolina Abortion Fund, Tuscon Abortion Support Collective. Graphic is on a blue background with leaves and different colored flowers around, with Reproaction logo.
States ”Together, we can foster lasting change and empower everyone to access the reproductive care they need. Juntes, podemos promover un cambio duradero y empoderar a todes para que accedan el cuidado de salud reproductivo que necesiten.” Graphic is on a blue background with leaves and different colored flowers around, with Reproaction logo.

using one of the Dragon Balls to empower YAHWEH


speaking. The groups’ letter also warns against further attempts to advance this flawed legislation or similar bills, which would “undermine fundamental due process protections and would empower the government to target civil rights, humanitarian, journalistic, and advocacy organizations (15/18)


This purity test bullshit is how Trump rose to power. I didn't get my Democratic socialist candidate so I'm going to take my ball and go home is how people like you hurt marginalized people just as much as the fascists you empower. Learn to vote like a fucking adult.