Ontario's electricity demand is set to soar, with projections reaching new heights! ⚡️ By 2043, we'll need 60 TWh more, equivalent to 10 CANDU units. Are we ready for this energy future? #NuclearEnergy#SustainableGrowth#EnergyDemand 📈🔋

The image is a line graph titled "Ontario Electricity Demand Projections Reach New Heights." It shows electricity demand in terawatt-hours (TWh) on the vertical axis and the years from 2000 to 2040 on the horizontal axis.
Historical Demand: A black line represents historical demand, which fluctuates around 150 TWh until the current time marked as "Now" with a red dot.
Projected Demand: From "Now," several lines project future demand:
A dark blue line labeled "Latest APO (2022)" indicates a rise in demand, reaching over 200 TWh by 2043.
Lighter blue lines labeled "2021 APO," "2020 APO," and "2019 APO" show slightly lower projections compared to the latest.
Additional Information: There's a notation "+60 TWh, Equivalent to 10 CANDU units by 2043" indicating additional demand.
Source: The bottom right corner has the logo for "Canadians for Nuclear Energy."
The graph highlights a significant projected increase in electricity demand in Ontario over the next two decades.

Yep. Der projected Energydemand von gen AI, Crypto und Data Centers für 2026 liegt bei 800 TWh 🫠


[updated repost--SRRR Workshop Nov. 29, 2023] Short talk I gave last November ... I'm first speaker after the introduction, then in the Q&A section at: ~1:55:00 - 2:02:00, and ~2:06:00 - 2:14:00 🖖

SRRR Workshop Nov. 29, 2023
SRRR Workshop Nov. 29, 2023