Top man tem que pegar as dicas com meu parça papyrus com mais de 500 horas de engi kkkkkk slk mn


I know that every RED Engineers are Engi-need-to-get-punched-until-he-loses-consciousness in the heart.


Tem vários mangas que tem o personagem mais forte do mundo e geralmente eles não usam ele, é tipo o shinkohyou em hoshin engi que é um cara que só aparece na confusão pela zoeira. O lance do gojo é que ele tem bem mais protagonismo na história por ser o mais forte.


Feature Engineering & Selection for Explainable Models: A Second Course for Data Scientists

Feature Engineering & Selection for Explainable Models
Feature Engineering & Selection for Explainable Models


like, i'm introducing these magic Rosaceous Goggles made by Chromie & Jhordi Lapforge (Gadgetzan engi trainer) which will allow my PCs to see pre-Cata & post-Cata content simultaneously, as well as possibly other stuff like the Gorefiend quest ghosts in Shadowmoon or the Fallen Hero in Blasted Lands


check this skeet out then, I think that's what this person was thinking when they made it


What's as orange as a pumpkin and stuffed full of superheroes and librarians? Wrecker of Engines from is now available in ebook, print and audio! Amazon link:

Wrecker of Engines bright orange cover shown on white electronic mobile phone floating above dark cityscape with lights reflected in water. Memes state: Family legacy, secret identities, superheroes without capes, and librarians.

Haha, yes! I made this engi the first week of launch, but she's always sat in third place on my roster... until now! Now when I open the game, she's the toon I click unless I'm doing something specific (still zerkin' in my duo!). It really is such a versatile set of playstyles in one techy package.


From The National Lampoon Sept/Oct 1989. Some things never change. Trumplestiltskin.

Trump Fame Drive Gains Momentum
Billionaire businessman Donald Trump, intoxicated by the attachment of his name to the Tour de Trump bicycle race as well as to Air Trump. Trump Tower, Trump Casino, and Trump Plaza, has announced plans to link his name to a myriad of other interests in an ongoing bid to increase his prominence.
Trump announced that he had paid three million dollars to the Lou Gehrig estate so that amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, the deadly disease associated with the late ballplayer, could henceforth be referred to as Trump's disease. He has also procured the rights to several influenzas and blood diseases, two of which will be known as Trump flu and Acquired Im- mune Trump's Syndrome.
Trump also recently engi neered two leveraged buyouts: of the financially strapped St.
Paul's Cathedral, which he will rename St. Trump the Divine, and of Belgium, which NATO now acknowledges as Trump- land.
And in a move similar to rival billionaire Ted Turner's color- ization of old fil