this is the page i wanted to show her, btw

Page 19 of chapter 13 of Hunter x Hunter.

Someone pries apart a barred door to peer in on the phantom troupe.
Intruder: It's not like you... It's not like you at all.
Intruder: You guys could wipe out cha-r, bust down that door, and slaughter all the loaded rotten scoundrels in the upper tiers, couldn't you? aren't you behaving yourselves a bit too much? i'm kind of disappointed.
phinks: slaughter? that's stupid. this isn't the apocalypse.
feitan: what do you know about us, anyway?
intruder: the wiki page says you're diabolical thieves, but i guess it was exaggerating. want me to edit your entry for ya?

Along with the "Papa Bear racistly complains about the pandas who move in across the street" book, this Berenstain Bears entry made it clear what the successor authors are about.

A page from a Berenstain Bears book. A mailman hands a package to Papa. The text says:

Wearily, Papa headed downstairs. It was Herb the mailman with a package. "Thanks, Herb," said Papa, signing for it. He noticed the package was from e-Bear. "You know, Papa," said Herb, "you've got to get this e-Bear thing with Mama under control. This is the fifth package this week. You're going to go broke. See you later!"

Below that, text has been superimposed on the image, saying: Mind your own damn business, Herb.

アメブロを投稿しました。 『間違い電話で…オタクなに?って…言われてもなぁー…』 #探偵事務所#探偵社#興信所#浮気調査#素行調査#GPS発信機#証拠撮影#盗聴盗撮発見#緊急出動#愛知県豊田市#名古屋市#番犬ドンデPRO#trackimo#MapSTationPRO3#トラッキモ




アメブロを投稿しました。 『咳き止めの薬を飲んだんだけど…』 #探偵事務所#探偵社#興信所#浮気調査#素行調査#GPS発信機#証拠撮影#盗聴盗撮発見#緊急出動#愛知県豊田市#名古屋市#番犬ドンデPRO#trackimo#MapSTationPRO3#トラッキモ




あべの古書店お隣、静岡浅間通り商店街「お好み焼き みかみ」さんに探書会のチラシを設置していただきました。お越しの際はお手に取っていただければ嬉しいです。 古民家の古書市 鈴木邸 秋の探書会2024 11月9日(土)10日(日) 静岡市葵区中ノ郷


“Four in 10 Americans can trace their heritage back to Ellis Island. I want to bring that back into the minds of Americans when they think about immigration today. Come through a port of entry, declare who you are, get a quick background check, and then come in this country with legal status…” 🗽🇺🇸

Chase Oliver on budget cuts, war, and immigration
Chase Oliver on budget cuts, war, and immigration

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