i don't care how nice and sweet your devout memaw was, or that the church in your community isn't "like those other churches." every "good christian" i've met exists in constant conflict with establishment christianity. my main experience of it is profit-seeking megachurches and bush-era evangelism


Neat! I don't remember either of us being that good of a parent.😐 Although I do vaguely remember using specific events to help you learn time... You were very cute about your evangelism re: aircraft (but I don't remember it being directed at peers; more at adults).


Doing what I do best, RSS evangelism.


My Failure at Online Christian Witnessing by Jeff Hilles | A personal assessment in light of Biblical principles of evangelism toward the lost and sanctification toward the saved. |

My Failure at Online Christian Witnessing
My Failure at Online Christian Witnessing

A personal assessment in light of Biblical principles of evangelism toward the lost and sanctification toward the saved.


I call those kinds of Athiests Christofascists with extra steps. All they dropped Jesus but failed to drop the toxic traits of the Christianity they grew up in: -my belief is superior to yours -evangelism -genocidal language (ethnoreligions & cultural genocide exist) -unsolicited preaching, etc.


the evangelism i’ve seen on here for toasting things with mayo has me wondering if that is why i’ve never liked diner toast. it’s like the outside of the bread is singed but the inside hasn’t seen any heat since it was first baked. it feels halfway done in the strangest way. is this mayo’s doing?


Honestly, from an agnostic perspective, Catholicism at least makes a certain amount of sense given its evolution. Evangelism is literally nonsensical. You think Jesus is gonna come back if you do *what?*


Coffee is one of those things like booze where the most tedious people in the world have strong opinions on how others should enjoy it. From PSL hate to black coffee evangelism


I am imagining having an xkcd ai and giving it orders to graph flare ups of collective “insanity” (religious fervor) I can think of 2 in the last 30 yrs that have been intense: w S American & Ce American evangelism (Northwest? I honesty don’t know) African Catholicism


Sure! (All of these shared in a spirit of interest/curiosity, no evangelism). This is a summary from Jay McDaniel of a general process worldview that should be amenable to people of all traditions. #7 and #14 in particular.

Process Worldview
Process Worldview

1. Process : The universe is an ongoing process of development and change, never quite the same from moment to moment. Every entity in the universe is best understood as a process of becoming that...