look at me, the person who's already mostly caught up with her gladnis ficlets on ao3, writing another one that will add to her backlog 💀 #ficwip5k#ffxvfic

“What do you—” Gladio is laughing so hard, heʼs choking on his spit. “What do you mean you slipped on the butter!” 

“Exactly what I said,” Ignis sighs, giving his ankle another experimental twist in spite of Gladioʼs restraining hands. Bad enough that he, the proprietor of this cake shop, had a hilarious fall, worse that itʼs the stupidly handsome delivery man who caught him. 

“Donʼt move it.” And he has such a dreadfully beautiful purr, too, that when he tells him, “Iʼm taking you to the clinic,” Ignis lights up as if his crush had just asked him out.

I didn't want to get up from bed earlier despite knowing that I have somewhere to be lmao so I cajoled myself to get up after one (1) ficlet and I was successful 😂 anyway ignis is the ultimate virtual assistant and gladio knows that 😌 #ficwip5k#ffxvfic

/Iʼve gone ahead and booked the restaurant at 7:00PM./ As far as virtual assistants are concerned, Ignis is probably exhibiting behaviors that are...not in keeping with whatʼs good and acceptable anymore these days. But heʼs been at this game longer than he cares to admit—long enough that Noctis is now in college—and heʼs proven that heʼs still the most desirable candidate out there. 

Then again, his current virtual boss is a bit of a unicorn himself. Ignis has been working for him for about five years now and yet the only qualms heʼs ever heard from him is, /Youʼre working yourself to the bone. Take a day off./

And, heʼs not so picky about the details he needs Ignis to pick up for him, anyway. /Good. Is this the restaurant that you said served the best dry-roast beef?/

/It is/, he chats back. 

/Great. Thanks, Ignis./ The yellow face somehow looks happier than normal. /So, Iʼll see you there at 7?/

/What?/ he gasps. This is the first time his boss has made such a request.
/Mr. Amicitia/, he begins typing after thinking fast, /I think weʼll have to discuss the new terms of my contract should you require something from me outside of my capacity as your virtual assistant./

/Sure. We can talk in the restaurant/, Amicitia replies coolly. /Weʼve been working together for some five years, at least let me buy you a drink. As my way of saying thanks for everything youʼve done so far./

/And, I hope you donʼt mind me saying this, but Iʼd like to get to know you better./

Ignis clenches his fists, reading and rereading his words. Well, there is a reason why heʼs been with Amicitia the longest among his employers... 

/Iʼll check my schedule/, he replies, smiling slightly.

hashtag I tried: — Hissing, Ignis peels a skin off his virgin wings. — could be wing au, could be ignis as the shield au XD #ffxvfic#ficwip5k


Chapter 20 of The Winding Road is now up! Read it on AO3:

Image of a snowy road with the text "The Winding Road, A FFXV Fanfic." Photo by Kristaps Grundsteins on Unsplash

When Ignis does finally utter a sound, it's to tell Gladio, "You weren't supposed to hear that." Which then causes Gladio to pause before he asked him, "Which part? The part where you said you liked me or the part where you called the disembodied fish head 'Lord Pacius'?" #3sentencefic#ffxvfic


New Final Fantasy XV Fanfic: Green Legs & Blam

A photograph of a fancy swimming pool by Roberto Nickson on Unsplash. Overlaid words read, "Green Legs & Blam" and "A Final Fantasy XV Fanfic"

Chapter 19 of The Winding Road is now up! Read it on AO3:

Image of a snowy road with the text "The Winding Road, A FFXV Fanfic." Photo by Kristaps Grundsteins on Unsplash

guess!!! who wrote a gladnis fic!!! after a year!!! 🥹🥹🥹 ficwip's latest 3-sentence fic inspired me so and fueled me for a couple more words 💖💖💖 I'll leave the links here! ao3: