๐ŸŒป pale-leaf sunflower ๐ŸŒฟ Helianthus strumosus #nativeplants#flowerreport

a composite flower with long, broad, bright yellow rays and slightly darker disks with many curling, bifurcated styles and brown anthers
a close-up of the central cone of the flowerhead, the site of dozens of 5-lobed dark yellow disk florets. some of the disks, especially towards the outside of the cone, are wielding bifurcated styles whose tips curl back around on themselves. on other disks closer to the center, the most prominent feature are brown tubes: fused stamens tipped with yellow pollen. if i understand correctly, styles will eventually burst through the center of those stamen tubes and they will come to resemble the disks currently on the outside edge
a side view of the flowerhead. curling yellow styles and dark yellow disks can be seen between the bright yellow rays. beneath the rays are rows of lightly hairy floral bracts with longer hairs on their margins, & a slightly fuzzy stem

๐ŸŒผ bottomland aster ๐ŸŒฟ Symphyotrichum ontarionis a distinguishing characteristic of these white asters is the texture of the undersides of the leaves: they're uniformly hairy rather than just having hairs along the leaf veins #nativeplants#flowerreport

4 flowerheads in various stages. topmost is newly budding, with frail white rays still bent over the yellow disks. below that, a fully open fresh aster with thin white rays splayed out enthusiastically wide, with bright yellow, 5-lobed disks in the center. below that, a flowerhead that is just beginning to fade: its white rays have relaxed slightly, and the disks in the center have mostly turned dark pink. the final flower to the right has withered away, darkened rays and all disks are purple-- plus, it's blurry
a spray of composite flowers with white rays and yellow disks facing away from the camera. at the base of the flowers are linear floral bracts pressed close to the flower and butt up against the bottom of the rays; they are green along their middle but their margins are pale. these flowers are borne on fuzzy arcing stem alongside fuzz-lined leaves
a wild tangle of stems and leaves dotted with white flowers whose centers range from bright yellow to dark purple

๐ŸŒธ short's aster ๐ŸŒฟ Symphyotrichum shortii got a better picture of a leaf ๐Ÿ˜Ž #nativeplants#flowerreport

a long, green, heart-shaped leaf with a long green petiole that gets somewhat fuzzy at its base on a fuzzy green stem
a pair of composite flowers. they both have long, thin, very pale blue (nearly white) ray florets, but the disks on the flowerhead on the right are pale yellow while those on the flowerhead on the left are older & have turned dark purplish-pink

๐ŸŒป tickseed sunflower ๐ŸŒฟ Bidens polylepis #nativeplants#flowerreport

a composite flower with 8 deep yellow, long, broad ray florets and a small cone of dark yellow, 5-lobed disk florets with curling, bifurcated yellow styles protruding through a brown fused stamen tube
looking at the flowerhead from below & the side. the ridged green stem ends in several rows of long, contorted, green floral bracts, followed by the yellow rays. between two rays, the curling tips of some styles are visible
several yellow tickseed sunflowers beaming in a dense green mess of other foliage

๐ŸŒธ southern prairie aster ๐ŸŒฟ Eurybia hemispherica #nativeplants#flowerreport

a pale green stem with reddish streaks, with alternate, linear green leaves. at one of the upper leaf axils, a spiky-looking flowerbud is developing. atop the stem there is a composite flower with many soft purple ray florets and bright yellow disk florets on a pillow of rows and rows of green floral bracts
a closer look at the blooming flowerhead. there are many rows of green floral bracts below, with many purple rays above. in the center, a cone of yellow disks. an outer ring of disks are bright yellow, while those towards the inside have faded
growing in dry grass on the edge of a limestone savannah, a stem with grass-like alternate leaves & a purple and yellow flower on top

๐ŸŒผ tall boneset ๐ŸŒฟ Eupatorium altissimum loves limestone soils tends to be taller than some of the other bonesets ๐Ÿ™‚ #nativeplants#flowerreport

a flat-topped terminal panicle of small white flowers with long white styles
a close-up on some composite flowers. each flowerhead has up to half a dozen white disk florets and no ray florets. the disks have 5 pointed lobes; long, bifurcated, white styles; and feathery white pappus. the involucre are coated in short fine hairs
a tall boneset growing in a savannah. its main stem is hidden behind drooping green lanceolate leaves; on top, a panicle of small white flowers

๐ŸŒป old-field goldenrod ๐ŸŒฟ Solidago nemoralis #nativeplants#flowerreport

an arching stem, a panicle of many dozens of small, bright yellow, composite flowers mostly facing upwards. there are only a handful or rays and disks in each individual flowerhead
a close-up: each individual flowerhead sits on a short pedicle and has several rows of yellow-green involucral bracts, as well as around a half-dozenish ray florets and nearly as many disk florets. the stem off of which these dozens of flowerheads grow is coated in short fuzzy hairs
two old-field goldenrods standing in a dry savannah full of tan, crispy grasses, before a dark green treeline. each goldenrod has a tall stem with curled light grayish-green leaves, topped by branching sprays of yellow flowers


a side view of a composite flower with purple rays and yellow disks. beneath the rays are rows of green involucral bracts; the stem below those is lined with fuzzy leaf bracts. a small budding flowerhead is nodding of the stem; further down, some small fuzzy green leaves keeping themselves right up against the stem

Timeline refresh from spooky, gloomy New England. ๐Ÿƒ๐ŸŒพ๐ŸŒปHappy autumnal equinox! :,:โ€-:::โ€*~ #fall#flowers#flowerenergy :*/;-:;!,:;-*~

A close-up view of a bright pink Zinnia flowerhead along a roadway sidewalk verge.
A cadmium yellow Rudbeckia flowerhead with pink Zinnias peaking out of a sidewalk verge in the background. Dusky time of day and image tone. The flower colors are popping.

The Cavariella genus of aphids host alternate between Willows and a range of umbellifers. I noticed this colony on Hogweed at Whitlingham yesterday and have just identified them as Cavariella theobaldi based on the shape of the siphunculi and antennal characters.

A Hogweed umbel showing the branches up to the flowerhead, several of which are covered in small green aphids.
Two green aphids, a large adult centrally with a smaller instar to the left.