This study doesn’t rule out some protection from T cells or lung resident memory cells and a tweak son the formulation or target may enhance immunity.


Chul Min Kim, Sang Pyo Kim 3+1 formulation of light modes in nonlinear electrodynamics


did they publish the active ingredients/formulation? this sounds like the mechanism that hypromellose sprays already utilize, which have middling but reliable 60-70% effectiveness far as I remember off the top of my head


It's real slimy to hype this stuff up and not tell people there's a conflict of interest. The people actively selling this product with 0 human data are the authors of the study! Hello? There's even a chance it'll get a FDA warning letter for health claims they cant make!

Screenshot of Chise's thread about an unapproved nasal spray that's being touted as beneficial for infectious disease prevention. It reads:

THIS IS HUGE! Researchers at Harvard Medical School have developed a nasal spray that in preclinical studies, offered NEARLY 100% protection from respiratory infections by COVID-19, influenza, viruses, AND pneumonia-causing bacteria. Let’s talk about that! 🧪🧵⬇️
This is the conflict of interest statement from the paper being talked about in Chise's thread. It reads:

J.J., H.M.B, Y.T., and J.M.K have one pending patent based on the PCANS formulation described in this manuscript. N.J. and J.M.K are paid consultants, scientific advisory board members, and hold equity in Akita Biosciences, a company that has licensed IP generated by N.J. and J.MK. that may benefit financially if the IP was further validated. The interests of N.J. and J.MK. were reviewed and overseen by their institution in accordance with its conflict of interest policies.
A screenshot from the nasal spray vendor's website that shows they're actively selling it. The headline text reads: 

Elevate your defense against airborne germs
A legal disclaimer at the bottom of the nasal spray's website showing they're not FDA approved to treat anything or make any claims about the spray in particular, which defies the tone and implications of Chise's thread.

Before publishing part 4, I'm going to talk a little bit about science. Andrew Cote is a typical scientism type person, who thinks experiments is where science ends and beings -- that's not true, it begins with a formulation of a hypothesis. An experiment does not PROVE it! /🧵Before publishing part 4, I'm going to talk a little bit about science. Andrew Cote is a typical scientism type person, who thinks experiments is where science ends and beings -- that's not true, it begins with a formulation of a hypothesis. An experiment does not PROVE it! /🧵


[ leonardo dicaprio pointing meme dot gif ]

“The first chapter begins with a striking formulation: ‘Sovereign is he who decides on the emergency situation’.”

The Enemy: An Intellectual Portrait of Carl Schmitt
Gopal Balakrishnan

Apparently it’s made of something else in Canada for some reason?

Sweet'n Low (stylized as Sweet'N Low) is a brand of artificial sweetener now made primarily from granulated saccharin (except in Canada, where it contains cyclamate instead). When introduced in 1958 in the United States,
Sweet'n Low was cyclamate-based, but it was replaced by a saccharin-based formulation in 1969.21 It is also a brand name applied to a family of sweetener and sweetened products, some containing sweeteners other than saccharin or cyclamate. 3) There have been over 500 billion Sweet'N Low packets produced.

Pharmacists are no fun. I hope the extra T helps. I am in no way trying to backseat drive your doctor, but was the formulation of the gel not right for this purpose? Or were they worried about knock on effects for the female members of your family?


A Contemporary Integrative Interpersonal Theory Formulation of Self and Social Pathology:


C'est sûrement pas voulu mais y a un petit côté condescendant dans la formulation qui fait grincer un peu les dents. Mais merci quand-même