Spent Saturday at the #FortFrederick#FrenchIndianWar Muster. Always an engaging living history event. Featured a “tactical demonstration” skirmish. More photos in the comments, with details in alt text. 1/3

Two members of Mercer’s Provincial Company fix bayonets before starting guard duty at the fort barracks. They wear black tricorn hats, white shirts and a red waistcoat over breeches and gaiters, each affixing a bayonet to the end of their musket, braced on the ground. Their sergeant is similarly attired and holding a spontoon (a spear-like implement used more as an indication of rank and a means to direct commands).
The small contingent of Highlanders assembles near their camp. Flats stand on the left, denoting their units, with three red-coated, Black-Watch-kilted soldiers wearing Tam O’Shanters standing center, with a drummer and officer to the right.
A column of assorted colonial provincial troops march from the Fort Frederick barracks and across the parade ground to seek out French troops in the vicinity. They wear a variety of colonial American attire, notably black tricorn hats, with most carrying shouldered muskets. A flag bearer (carrying the red provincial flag with Union Jack in the corner) and an officer with a spontoon lead the column, with a drummer not far behind.

Finished up a blockhouse and some Repentia Penitents. #frenchindianwar#frontier#agriworld#sistersofbattle


New arrivals. The first releases of the “Les Francais” Kickstarter miniatures from Galloping Major. A couple of packs of French infantry Fusiliers and a pack of Grenadiers for the North American conflict of the 1756 -1763. #Wargaming#FIW#FrenchIndianWar

Photo of 28mm unpainted metal miniatures. 6 figures to left of photo in 2 rows of 3. They wear mid 18th century French military uniforms with tricorne hats and shouldered muskets. To the right of the photo is a header card with the manufacturer’s name (Galloping Major), brief description of the figures and contact details. All photographed on a black background.
Photo of 28mm unpainted metal miniatures. 6 figures to left of photo in 2 rows of 3. They wear mid 18th century French military uniforms (Grenadiers) with tricorne hats and charged muskets with fixed bayonets. To the right of the photo is a header card with the manufacturer’s name (Galloping Major), brief description of the figures and contact details. All photographed on a black background.
Photo of 28mm unpainted metal miniatures. 6 figures to left of photo in 2 rows of 3. They wear mid 18th century French military uniforms (Fusiliers ) with tricorne hats and charged muskets with fixed bayonets. To the right of the photo is a header card with the manufacturer’s name (Galloping Major), brief description of the figures and contact details. All photographed on a black background.
Photo of book cover on black ground. The title of the book is “Combat - British Redcoats versus French Fusilier”. It is a publication from Osprey and details the two types of soldiers and their tactics during the North American campaign of 1765 - 1763.

The cover layout has depictions of a British redcoat on the left of the picture aiming his musket to the diagonal mid-right to the upper part of the page. To the bottom of the page is a depiction of several French Fusiliers in grey coats with red collars , cuffs and waistcoats loading and firing; one looks out from the cover at the viewer. The two pictures are split horizontally by the tile of the book which is mostly black lettering on a white band.