We have a winner 🥳 1. Chain of Command 2. Lion Rampant (2) 3. Sharp Pracice 4. Dragon Rampant 5. Battletech 5. Gaslands 7. Xenos Rampant 8. Fistful of Lead 8. General d'Armee 8. Frostgrave Here's some runners up: Bolt Action I Ait Been Shot Mom DBA Flames of War Iron Cross More to come later :)

the word winner that is on a blue background
the word winner that is on a blue background

Alt: Winner


Just got the Frostgrave 2E book. Been looking at it for a while and I definitely have enough minis to field dozens of warbands. I've got a bunch of HirstArts Castlemold terrain I can use, too.


Just finished up the current round of minis for Frostgrave. This time it’s four more gnolls, and a Gnoll warchief, along with a Borock. I am happy with all of them. The gnolls I’m making into color coded packs hence the variety of colors. I am really happy with them all so far!

In this picture there are three miniatures, the middle is an unpainted Frostgrave human. The one on the left is a Borock, which is a large Minotaur/Gnoll hybrid that’s standing with its spear. The right mini is a a Gnoll warchief, which is just a normal Gnoll, a hyena-man, standing on rocks dramatically.
A set of four Frostgrave Gnoll miniatures, they are like a werewolf but a hyena-man instead of a wolf man. Two have green tunics and two have red tunics, they have a variety of weapons.

The supplement is “perilous dark,” and it would work for Ghost Archipelago. I’ve read both, but don’t have a crew ready yet for it, but only do normal Frostgrave solo and am pretty sure the rules should translate over fine for G.A.


I didn't get it yet, but there's a Frostgrave 2e supplement — "The something Dark", I think — that has rules for solo play. I wonder if they'd work for Ghost Archipelago too.


Frostgrave the best minis fun I had in a long time. Same - wanted to try Ghost Archipelago but no interest in my group of player friends


I keep meaning to pick up Ghost Archipelago. From what I understand, it's sort of a Frostgrave 1.5e.


Frostgrave is a great game, and I had some fun with Ghost Archipelago but couldn't get players.


Tomorrow I’ll be getting a month’s worth of stuff around too. For October I plan on making spooky terrain and minis, this year’s theme is spiders. So 8 giant spiders and three matriarchs for Frostgrave, then a spider den and web covered walls and egg sacs. Did it last year too and it was fun.


I really want to play Frostgrave or Stargrave. (I'm leaning on the latter.) I've had to resort to Hero Forge for my SG minis because they don't have enough Sci-fi of the aliens species I want to represent.