Ginnevyd, my foul-mouthed faerie renegade who WILL catcall your girl at the tavern She exists in a vacuum rn but I wanna add her to my existing fantasy universe with all the others before Rhe'ngar, probably in a different country. She doesn't remember anything about life before leaving the feywilds

A fullbody painted chibi of a fairy, Ginnevyd, with snowy owl wings holding a flintlock gun towards the viewer. She is wearing a red dress with a plaid patterned skirt, and a cincher corset with decorative buckles. Underneath her dress is a shirt that has mesh leading up from the bust to the collar, and then connects to long tan sleeves that fall off the shoulder and flow loosely around the wrists. She is wearing lacy white knee-high socks with garters, and ankle high brown boots. She has black hair with a white streak in the bangs that lead back a bit, and it is pulled up into cone-shaped buns on top and short braids on the bottom. She has light blue and lavender eyes, pale skin with a rosy blush, black lipstick and white eyelashes. She is looking with a serious expression at the viewer and stands against a painted snowy night background.
A simple icon of Ginnevyd. Her head floats with her hair against a plain purple background, and she has a mischievous grin on her face with her tongue sticking out. Her long pointy ears stick out from her dark hair.

I mean it’s a nice day out but tiddies flapping in the wind was bizarre. and so guess she wasn’t totally naked, she had pink and blue stockings with garters. but that was it.


Am I ace or am I a repressed Victorian who needs vapors and a fainting couch at the sight of sleeve and sock garters? (I'm both)


Hey, happy Monday and thanks for the art share! 🖤❤️ We'll do Oops All Vampires today, plus a WIP. 🩸

OC, Victoria Sweet
Digital artwork in gold, pink, and red of a monstrous woman with horns, claws, and partially skeletal bat-like wings kneeling in a pinup pose in a pool of blood. She holds one hand delicately beside her mouth and leans on a human skull with the other while grinning mischievously at the viewer. A tail comprised of vertebrae and ending in fleshy, toothy petals coils around her. Behind her is a simple golden frame and ring of gold which frame her head like a halo.
OC, Victoria Sweet
Art nouveau style image of a pale woman posed with her arms above her head against a pink, rust, and gold background. Skulls, ribs, and pink roses are piled behind her and foxgloves in various shades of pink grow from the bottom of the page. Blood drips from the corners of her grinning mouth and spills down the front of her dress.
OC, Carmen Romero
Image of a pale redheaded woman in a billowing black pantsuit, black Panama hat, and red scarf. One hand is extended into the dark, swirling tendrils rising from around her feet, and the other cracks a shadowy whip above her head. A white lipped python curls up her arm and across her shoulders.
Feymien's OC, Maeve
Linework and sketch layer of a tattooed woman with a shaved head in a pinup pose against a simple geometric background with pomegranates, marigolds, and a chrysanthemum. She wears a suit jacket and garters, and leans on a human skull with one hand.

Oh my stars and garters. That demon outfit is putting up a valiant fight. Lovely work, as always.


I looked incredibly hot today I'm going to delete this but let me enjoy myself

me in a black bra, black underwear, and thigh high striped socks with grey sock garters

Thank you for the art share! (And for the tag. 💋) I'm Carmine, a rabid lesbian who likes midcentury aesthetics and dead stuff. I draw a lot of pinups, monster gals, and awful women doing hot girl shit. 🖤💀❤️

Image of a Latina woman sitting in a pinup pose in a crescent moon decorated with crosses. She wears a black Panama hat and suit jacket, a red tied, and garters, and holds a silver topped cane across her knees. Her left leg is scarred from the mid thigh down.
Art nouveau style image of a pale blonde showgirl sitting with a pink feather boa against a gold, pink, and red background. She is smiling coyly. Her left arm and hand are skeletal, and part of her ribcage and organs are exposed. White lilies are piled behind her, and dark red roses bloom up the sides of the picture.
OC, Victoria Sweet
Digital painting of a deathly pale woman with long dark hair, multiple curling horns tipped in gold, and fangs backlit by a full moon against a starless night sky. She ecstatically holds a fresh human heart in one clawed hand as the fanged mouth in her palm bites into it, spilling blood down her arm. Golden light pulses at the center of the heart and sparkles through the blood rivulets. Another mouth lined with jagged teeth gapes open at the center of her external ribcage, and she holds her translucent, partially skeletal bat-like wings at a low, casual angle.
Digital sketch in dark, muted tones with moody lighting of an office with the window blinds drawn shut and various objects scattered across the desk: papers and a pen, a rotary phone beneath a lit lamp, an open package of cigarettes, and a faintly steaming coffee mug. Behind the desk, a brunette woman leans back in the leather seat, her tie undone and black button-down partially opened, as she pulls a much paler, much less clothed blonde woman onto her lap. The second woman's face is hidden, presumably trailing lipstick stains down her neck.

dressed to impress

a black and white Steve Brule shirt that says nirvangus, denim cutoffs, and thigh high striped socks with garters
knee high converse and thigh high striped socks

anyway im trying to look up whether "they're called garter snakes because they wear garters" is in my head because it's a shitpost or because it's a real thing