Day 21 of #NaPoWriMo#GloPoWriMo - Global Poetry Writing Month - Today the prompt asks us to write a poem that repeats or focuses on a single colour. I chose red... not sure if you'll get what the poem is about, you interpret it as you will~

Poem title: The Horror

Poem follows:
the horror
I know there is green
and blue
and yellow
but all I see is horror
it's on my hands
and in my eyes
I see it in the trees
and on the grass

blinded by the red sun
the red moon
my emotions are red
my thoughts are red
all I feel is red

a horror of life
the red birds
screaming bloody red
flying clouds of red
daffodils of red

speak red
cry red
hair so red
warming my red soul
red blood
on the red stones

I can only hear
the music
red and red
I can only see
the notes
red and red

let me sleep in my red bed
but stop the red dreams
blind me with the red light
red beams
let the stars
shine but red

Day 18 of #NaPoWriMo#GloPoWriMo - Global Poetry Writing Month - Today the prompt asks us to write a poem where the "speaker expresses the desire to be someone or something else, and explains why"

Poem title: To be...

Poem follows:
To be the sunflower
I look at the sun
my yellow petals
open to the love
shining down on me

To be the white cloud
just floating in the
blue sea sky
I would be so happy
fluffy, comfortable, sleepy

To be the honey bee
enjoying the splendour
of purple and blue
flowers waving in the wind
bathing in their perfume

To be the house cat
lying in that special
beam of light
no cares do bother me
I am brushed and fed and loved

To be the seed
flying in the warm breeze
I dance and spin
waiting for the moment
I get to make roots and grow

To be just me
I can shimmer and shine
finding happiness in
the small things I love
and big things that love me

Day 17 of #NaPoWriMo#GloPoWriMo- Today the prompt asks us to write a poem inspired by a piece of music, with the same title. I am constantly inspired by music, so it was hard to decide which artist to write from; I ended up choosing Kate Bush: hopefully you know the song!

Poem title: Them Heavy People

Poem follows:
alone in the room
in my mind
I try to hide

I try to sleep
I am locked inside
my bed is not comfortable

but rest is all I need
one more hour
leave me under the covers

no crystal ball
I know whatโ€™s going on
no magic wand can save me now

until you reach
your hand soft
to mine and strong

pulling me up
and out
and up

we embrace as
you remind me
we each have heaven inside

the bright love
the peace
it's all there to find

teach me how to live
and let us
roll forward together

in your arms I am safe
and I feel the courage
courage to grow

now I learn not to be afraid
let my arms be free
and my legs will follow

Day 16 of #NaPoWriMo#GloPoWriMo- The prompt asks to write a poem describing a thing or place closely, then ending with an abstract line that doesn't seem to relate - but actually does!

Poem title: dreams of love and freedom within fields of gold

Poem follows:
out from my palm
the seeds rise up
and sweep over 
yellow fields
wheat up to my knees
with sun shining down
the plain is happy
the butterfly flaps
and seeks out my seeds
to nourish and grow
through stalks and
sheathes and flowers
in and out and up over top
the scent of magnolia
rising along the fields
my fingers smooth
and sweep over tops
the wheat to love
and care for my soul
no need for shoes
as soft is the ground
my feet donโ€™t hurt
and no prickle does prick
in a clearing I can lie
listen to the birds
calling to their lovers
bringing nourishment to
their babies in nests
I can see bright, white
clouds up above
and wonder at the 
sights and sounds
the grass greeting me
with waves of green
one day we will find peace

Day 15 of I found a beautiful 2c stamp with roses on it to inspire the following poem

Poem title: abandonment

Poem follows:
webs cover all that can be seen
as dust travels in the air
once lamps were lit, yellow candle light shone
only the full moon can now break the dark
with beams of light passing through the boarded windows
the clock sits silent, with voice forgotten
years have passed since life graced these halls
the desk hasnโ€™t been sat at
with mail piled up
envelopes unopened
stamps with bright roses and currency no longer circulated
beautiful penmanship fading into yellowing paper
books filling with mould in the damp Spring
unread for generations
knowledge now lost as words crumble to dust
a floating spectre passes through walls
recounting a story no longer told
their feet donโ€™t touch the floorboards
no creak breaks the silence
if only a black hole could eat
the remains
and end the pain of abandonment
A stamp with red border and two bright, red roses, and one yet to open
The text says the artist is "Lilli Marlene", and it is a New Zealand 2c stamp - which has not been in circulation for more than 30 years

Day 14 of #NaPoWriMo#GloPoWriMo - National / Global Poetry Writing Month - the prompt today asks us to write an anaphora: a poem which starts with the same word each line.

Poem title: Only

Poem follows:
Only a whisper of a breeze with grey feathers 
Only the tail of the yellow fox could be felt
Only the sound of water was heard that day
Only, it wasnโ€™t a normal day, where growth and love would blossom
Only I could sense the magic about to occur
Only oranges on my mind as I waved fingers through the water raining on my body
Only the leaves falling on my face, red and brown
Only I, alone, flying with my feet on my head
Only I. 
Only I.
Only my toes were frozen, dipping into water flowing through veins 
Only the forest was alive that day
Only my ears could hear
Only my eyes could see
Only you could fill my heart, emptying the blood
Only you could fill my heart

New post on the blog, allowing myself to go off topic for GloPoWriMo.


Day 12 of #NaPoWriMo#GloPoWriMo - National / Global Poetry Writing Month - today's prompt asks us to write a poem that is a "tall tale". Mine was inspired from my Rฤmere Shorts entry~

Poem title: Mary Mulholland
Poem follows:

vines pulse from her fingertips
a rhythm we can see
circle the trees
with lines of leaves

her flowers could bloom
from hair so soft
falling at her cheeks
violet and rouge

Mary Mulholland
alive in her forest
could grow and blossom
with the seasons

though in Winter it can appear
as if she is dying
in the cold, snowy
valleys of emptiness

in Spring she begins
the vines can creep
and climb

as her music encircles
not alone she dines
on light and dew
for, she is mother to the forest

deep are her roots
formed from the tips of her toes
she helps nourish 
so others can courtesy

Mary Mulholland was Queen 
with her pulsating vines
a rhythm so divine
all nature is called
as life can bloom

Day 10 of This story featured in The Coffeyville Daily Journal, Kansas, January 23, 1897

Poem title: The Duck Shoe-Collector

Poem follows:
A very strange occurrence,
lately in the village -
a very strange thief,
with a very strange appearance...

Kate was very specific when she sang:
โ€œevery old sock meets an old shoeโ€ -
the duck knew this saying well.
so she then made her plan...

she crept through the night,
with a soft pitter patter -
searching for her prize,
which she took without a fight...

the duck collected old shoes, you know -
and she picked very carefully,
always one to match the sock
and she gifted them thus - with laces in a bow.

The villagers were at first so angry:
that is, until they saw the duck -
she was so very pretty,
with a very pretty family

And so together they knew,
the duckโ€™s mission was noble, you see -
for, now the old socks
could meet their old shoe!
Cartoon of a duck and other farmyard animals in the background. The Duck is holding a shoe in its mouth, with one on the ground below it.
Text at the top headlines: Collects Old Shoes
With subtitle: Strange Freak of an Ordinary-Looking Pacific Coast Duck.
Under the cartoon, it says: The Duck Shoe-Collector