This is Our Season, wherein we goad one another into walking further and further because it feels so glorious.


Really does look like Lotte is working harder, but that might be a bit of acting to goad Vos into another attack


The riots in the Summer would have done for him here in the UK, with Elmo trying to stir up a civil war, & the likes of Hopkins etc trying to goad them all on. It was not a good look. If he gets rid of the Block button as well Twitter will tank thru the floor.


It becomes clear near the end she was only using Ichabod to goad rambunctious party boy Brom to settle down and marry her. Ironically, Katrina rejects Ichabod on the same night Brom decides to scare his rival away by cosplaying as the Headless Horseman. He probably needn't have bothered. (cont)


Even worse grown men have devolved into something that reminds me of 8th grade drama between girls. Pretty much the same catty petty bullshit with most of it. The need to create content is the need to find it where it doesn't exist and pretend it does hoping to goad your target mentally. Gross. 👎🏻🤮


They often feel like the type you can goad into burning their own house down by suggesting it might make them profit. No need to confirm. If they ask for clarification, just shrug. Theyll still do it.


Doesn’t take much to identify a desperate attention-seeking troll. They get blocked. I unblocked you temporarily to see a comment btw. Good luck trying to goad people into violating tos like all the other desperate attention seeking trolls here. You’re ruining this site like you ruined Twitter


It was a smart move to goad him into admitting that in the broadcast, too. Plenty of viewers may not have seen it in the news beforehand, and it gets him on record admitting to knowingly doing it. Hope the moderator didn't get in too much trouble for it.


I already have 4 Commander decks I wanna build. In order Frogs - I DONT HAVE A PROBLEM NOPE